Start from the beginning

"work" he answered and I nodded.

"movie?" I said and he nodded. We went to the living room and play his fave movie.


I took my keys and phone and go to the kids' school to pick them up. Tsukishima left the house 10 mins ago because he said he has a meeting today. I went inside the school and I didn't saw the twins. I looked around and search everywhere but the twins are nowhere to be found.

I go to their adviser and asked "where are the twins?"

"oh they left 20 mins ago" she said and I nodded.

Maybe Tsukisima picks them up.

I decided to call Tsukishima and luckily he answered.



"are the twins with you?"

"no, why? You said
you'll pick them"

At this point, I started to panic.


"Kei, the twins are not
here in the school. Their
the adviser said that they
left 20 mins ago"

"I'll go there"

*hangs up*

I started to panic and at the same time angry. Go to the principal's office and talk to the principal.

"relax ma'am, it's not yet 24 hours since they are gone" the principal said and then I exploded.

"WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL IS THIS? WE NEED TO FINE MY CHILDREN NOW!" I shouted and echoes are filled in the room.

"calm down ma-"


"Y/N" I heard Tsukishima's voice. I turned around and saw him in the doorway. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Kei, the t-twins are missing" I said as my tears roll down to my cheeks. He rubbed my back in a circle and I felt him kissed my forehead.

"we will find them, let's go to Yuma. Maybe he knows where the twins are" he said and I nodded. I glance at the principal and glared at her.

"I'm going to sue this school" I said then left.


We knocked and then Yachi opened the door.

"Y/N? W-Why are you cr-" I cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"What happened?" she asked then I cried. I pulled the hug then we went inside.

"w-where's Yuma?" I asked then Yamaguchi called Yuma.

"auntie, unca" Yuma greeted us but I'm not in the mood to smile.

"Yuma, where are Keith and Keisha?" I asked then he tilted his head

"I thought they go home" he said and I cried even more.

"papa, di-did I made auntie cry?" I heard him asked Yamaguchi.

"Keith and Keisha are not home" Tsukishina said and then Yachi and Yamaguchi gasped.

"unca, she said she go with you" Yuna said and then I looked at him.

"who's she?" Yachi asked but Yuma shrugged his shoulder.

"I dunno, but she said she go with unca" he said and then I cried again.

"Kiara" I mumbled out, bringing the attention to me now.

"Yuma, please go to your room" Yamaguchi said and Yuma obeyed.

"Kiara does this all" I said and clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I stood up and I was about to get out but Tsukishima grabbed my forearm, making me stop.

"let go, Kei!" I said and wiggled my arm.

"where are you going?"

"I'm going to Kiara, I'm going to get back my children!"

"Y/N no, we don't even know where the twins and Kiara hiding"

"The twins need us, the twins need me so I need to go to them right now" I said and I burst into more tears. Tsukishima grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

"Y/N, baby listen. We need to think of a plan, ok?" he said and I just look at him and cried. He hugged me tightly and then I collapsed on his arms. "our babies are strong ok" he said and I sob in response.

"We're going now" Tsukishima said to Yachi and Yamaguchi.

"wait, Tsukki. Maybe Daichi can help. You know since he is a policeman" Yamaguchi said and Tsukishima nodded. We go to his car and then he started driving with one hand resting in my thigh.

"don't overthink Y/N. We will find them" he said but I just looked at the window and cried. I feel my eyes getting heavy until darkness consumed me.

My Baby Kei~ (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now