30: Fight Me

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The candy prince faced the fire prince.

The only sound was the ticking of a clock, a relentless, quiet sound.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Who would strike first? Neither seemed to know. Neither had any idea, until it happened.

The fire prince leapt at the candy one, fists clenched, ready to punch. Gumball was ready for it and countered, punching, kicking, attacking furiously. He ignored the burns that sprung up on his candy fists. FP didn't seem bothered by Gumball's attacks, but there was a look of painful agony on his face as he fought on. The fight reached an impasse. Neither were willing to give in, but neither could gain the upper hand. Both were tired and out of ideas to reattack.

Tick. Tick. Tick.


The ice mistress and the human stared each other down.

No sounds. Nothing. Just you and her, staring. Deciding when the other would attack.

You made the first move.

You leapt at her, catching her unawares and screaming in frustation and fury as you punched her relentlessly. She grabbed you and threw you across the room as if you weighed nothing more than a rag doll. You scrambled up, slipping a little on the icy floor, and leapt again, your fury spurring you on.

"Why does everyone keep trying to split me and Gumball UP?!?!" you screamed, trying to tear out her snowy-white hair.

"Why did you steal MY Gummy Bear?" she screamed back, punching you hard in the stomach. You flew across the room and smashed into the wall. You just sat there for a second, dazed and unwilling to get up. She stood across the room, an ominous threat.


The princes stared at each other, both unwilling to give in. Suddenly the fire one made a move. He jumped back and Gumball relaxed, letting his guard down just a little.

FP ran at Gumball. He tried to dodge but FP was too fast. He shoved Gumball hard. Almost in slow motion, Gumball fell back. He was too close to the window. Slowly, so agonisingly slowly, he smashed through the window and fell. Fell to the ground. FP ran to the broken window. Gumball lay, eyes closed, motionless, on the ground.

"Oh my!" Already candy people were congregating around their unconscious prince. FP fled so they wouldn't see him. He might be a murderer, so he ran, choosing a back door to escape.


Almost simultaneously, Ice Queen walked over to you and picked you up. You were limp, unresponsive. She walked to the window and flew out, to the river where she had first found you and brought you to the Ice Kingdom.

"See you, y/n." she said, the malice obvious in her voice. Your eyes widened with shock and understanding as you realised what she would do. Your limbs were unwilling but you started to attack IQ. It didn't seem to bother her. She laughed spitefully.

Then she dropped you.


Hi! I just got back from a trip to France and this was one of the first things I did. Also, I never celebrated 300 reads, so here we go


There we go, that nicely fills my quota of celebration for today. But, in just a little weeny while, I'm sharing some awesome news with you that hopefully you'll all like. You guys are all awesome for reading this, and hopefully what I've got coming up will reward you enough. :D

ATShipper xxx

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