28: Valentine's Day

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13th February

You paced up and down the library. Did Gumball know about Valentine's Day? If he did, did he expect you to get him anything? What would you get him? Would you just ignore it? But then, what if he did know? He would think that you didn't love him any more! You sat down on a cushion, a small cloud of dust rising into the air. You had cleaned the library, but maybe not thoroughly. Anyway, this VD business was really getting to you. With a heavy sigh, you got up. And then, suddenly, you had an idea. You would tell Gumball about VD and get him a gift! Perfect! You hurried out of the library, bolted the door shut and ran back to the tree fort to find something.

14th February ~ Valentine's Day

You walked to the castle, nervous, gifts behind your back. You snuck into the castle and crept into Gumball's lab. He was bent over a bubbling flask, which suddenly fizzed and sent out sparks. He sighed and dumped the mixture into the bin, turning round to get something and seeing you.

"Y/n!" he said, delighted. You grinned.

"Hey Gumball!" you laughed. "Do you know what today is?"


"It's Valentines Day!" you said, grinning. He looked confused. "Valentines Day is where lovers exchange gifta and people send gifts to one they love! It's big, back home." you said, choking up slightly when you said 'home'.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked, still confused. You sighed with frustration and brought your hands out from behind your back. In one was a bouquet of pink roses and in the other was a homemade card. You had spent all night working on it, helped by Cake. It was in the shape of a heart, with 'Be My Valentine' written in glittery, swirly handwriting. You were pretty proud of it.

"These are for you..." you mumbled, looking at the floor and blushing a pale pink. He blushed too, taking the gifts from you.

"I didn't get you anything...." he sighed. You nodded, understanding, but inside you were ever-so-slightly disappointed. He looked around, suddenly walking over to a vase of flowers. He picked a rose-pink tulip and walked back to you.

"For you," he whispered, tucking the flower behind your ear. You giggled and kissed him. It was like your first kiss all over again. Happy. Happy, happy, happy.


I said I would write a Valentine's Day special, so I did! I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sorry it wasn't uploaded yesterday, but I had to go buy a guitar tuner, a school bag, etc. etc. So, it's a day late, but oh well!

ATShipper xx

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