Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Forgiveness 

Huo Suicheng hadn't moved yet when Old Master Huo stood up first and took the feather duster from Aunt Zhao's hand. He glared at Huo Suicheng and scolded, "You dare beat her when I am around? You dare to touch her? I haven't beaten you since you were a kid. Do you want to give it a try now?"

Aunt Zhao also realized Huo Suicheng's intentions. She frowned in displeasure. "Master. She's just an ignorant child. Just teach her patiently; how could you hit her?"

Yi Qian also vigilantly stared at Huo Suicheng. Although he didn't say a word, he used his eyes and body movements to say 'you can't beat her'!

A room full of people taking her side made Huo Xiaoxiao's courage swell, and she said, "Yes, yes!"

All this was done for his own good. Yet, she got nothing in return for being kind, even getting beaten up.

He would thank her later!

Huo Suicheng almost laughed out loud in anger at Huo Xiaoxiao's small face, looking like a clever little devil.

That was right. With so many people protecting her, she had nothing to fear.

Therefore, under everyone's eyes, he gave Huo Xiaoxiao a stare, but it had no deterrent effect on her.

"If you touch Daddy's things next time, no matter who protects you, it will be useless."

Done speaking, he picked up the stack of papers that Old Master Huo threw down on the coffee table and went upstairs.

"Don't be afraid; your father is only angry. If he really dares to hit you, you come to Grandpa and see if Grandpa doesn't beat him!"

Old Master Huo handed the feather duster to Auntie Zhao.

For the rest of her life, Huo Xiaoxiao felt terrified whenever she saw the feather duster. "Auntie, hurry up! Burn all the feather dusters!"

Auntie Zhao couldn't help but laugh. "Sure, sure, sure, I will burn it now."

Huo Xiaoxiao was relieved that this matter was finally and perfectly cleared up.

Although it was a pity that she couldn't find the letter of guarantee that her dad forced her to sign, in the end, she didn't get beaten. Her dad's project fell through, and the Huo family wouldn't be facing a bankruptcy crisis for the time being.

"Okay, let's leave this now. But Xiaoxiao, you are not allowed to climb on Daddy's desk anymore. It's so high; what if you fall?"

Huo Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Also, you are not allowed to touch your Daddy's things, understand?"

Huo Xiaoxiao nodded again.

"It's late already. Go to bed now. At night, you will sleep in the same room as Yi Qian. You are not allowed to whisper and stay up too late."

"Huh?" Huo Xiaoxiao turned to look at Yi Qian. "Sleep with him? Isn't there another room?"


They indeed had guest rooms, but for such a small kid, the bed there wasn't equipped with a safety bed crib like in the children's room, so it was not safe to sleep.

Only Xiaoxiao's room had a bed crib, and it was enough for two children to sleep.

"Xiaoxiao is not willing?"

A boy and a girl alone at night... it didn't count, though.

Although their gender was different, for just a three- or four-year-old child, it wasn't anything to be upset about.

G.T.V.F.T.B.V.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang