*under revision* Blind Trust

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?" He turns slightly to look at her.

"Do you trust me, Anton?" She asks rhetorically, waiting. After a moment, he puts a round in each of the targets in tune with their heartbeat. She continues teaching him to fire until his gun finally clicks, empty and with no more rounds to replace it.

"I think that is my limit." He jokes.

"You've done well. Come on, let's get back inside." She opens the door for him, both of them going into the locker room. The man groans softly as he peels his snow-sodden top from his body. Ritual leans next to his locker and watches.

"I had an idea for the 'ability' you can pitch to Harry." She starts.

"Hit me." Anton pats the bench. Ritual sits on it, pulling out a sketch book. She flips through the worn pages until she finds what she's looking for.

"Since you like aggression," She displays her sketch to him. "I found a design for a shield that can hold concussion shells on the front. It has three buttons to shoot the cartridges, which explode on impact with targets."

"That sounds incredible." Anton looks over her sketches. "You even got my hair right."

"I'm glad you noticed." Ritual chuckles, patting his shoulder and getting ready to walk out so he can put his things away.

"Hey, Rit," Anton calls for her.

"Yes?" The woman peaks her head back in.

"As you've noticed, I've been reading a lot recently." He smiles at her as he removes his helmet. "Wanna talk about your book?"

"Oh, of course." Ritual comes in again. "So what do you think?"

"It's one of the best things I've ever read." He folds his hands. "The way you wrote it makes it almost hard to believe that it actually happened, so much emotion and so much action. I love it."

"Thank you." She chuckles a little. "It was a really rough time in my life, and to be honest, it's not entirely over..." She reminisces on what she wrote.

"She's mine, you hear me? Mine. I captured her." He said, grabbing me under my arm in front of the other White Masks. He stood me up, and I braced comfortably on him. My knees ached. In a instant, he ripped my suit from my body and exposed me to the awestruck men. Twisting his mask just enough to reveal his smirk and brandishing a single round from his pocket, he lit it under the dying candle for a few seconds before pressing it firmly into my collarbone. I screamed through my open helmet, which he shushed by frantically kissing my lips. It was a bittersweet apology, but I accepted. "My prize," He reiterated, carrying me off into a small room. After locking the door, he rushed to untie my wrists. "I'm so sorry, I know that hurt."

"I-It's okay, I'll be safe now that I'm... Yours." I said softly, gripping onto his jacket. He sat over top of me on the cold floor, and for a moment, we thought about the same thing. He grabbed me and kissed me gently, holding me tight. For the first time, I felt safe. I felt loved.

"Freudian Slip. I knew it was about you." Anton catches her. "Do you want to talk it out?" He asks, putting a hand on her shoulder and snapping her out of the thought. "When I met you, I could tell you were really reserved. You're holding a lot back. But when you're with some of us, you tend to let all that go. Like today, I could see your real personality. It was... Refreshing."

"You currently know more about me than anyone else here." Ritual looks into her lap. "I don't know why I blindly trusted you like that, I just... It was like something inside of me was crying for help..."

"I think everyone here has given little pieces of themselves to you blindly." Anton scoffs, a soft smile sweeping him as he takes one of her hands. "We see that vulnerable heart you try really hard to hide."

"You men are the first people in a really long time who haven't come to Rainbow already hearing all about me." Ritual tries to conceal her breaking voice. "But I feel this... This pressure, like I have to be honest before you all find out and then I'm back to being alone."

"If there's anything I've learned from stories and books, Kámá," Anton brushes his thumb over the back of her gloved hand, making her look up to him with eyes fluttering to let a tear out. His other hand meets her open visor to carefully wipe it away. "It's that you never hear the villain's story until it's from their mouth... You only hear the hero's opinion of them." He looks at her with the most delicate gaze, encouraging her. "I want to hear your story. All the little intricacies and things you aren't proud of, the things you feel you could never admit because it's too complicated."

"The things I can't tell Gunnar..." Ritual whispers softly, shaking her head for a moment before wrapping her arms tightly around the man. He hesitates, surprise making him stiffen, but he quickly relaxes and holds her tight.

"Give me your secrets, Kámá. I'm listening."

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