He goes back to massaging my bum, before stating with full dominance laced in his voice, "You will call me Alpha when I speak to you. Understood?"

I look up, surprised by the thickness in his voice, and lock eyes with hazel orbs. Kova is in full control making me even more nervous.

A sharp smack to my ass makes me jump, "Understood pup?"

"Y-yes Alpha." I hear two separate growls of approval making me want to moan.

"You will count each one and thank me," I nod and a firm swat reminds me to use my words.

"Yes Alpha."

"Good girl. Safe word?"

"Potato." Although we haven't truly had a situation where I've needed a safe word, they did explain to me the importance of one so it was the first thing I could think of.

With that he rubs my bare bum for a few moments before his palm leaves my skin making the anticipation rise. I wait but nothing seems to come, so I slowly start to relax, hoping maybe he just changed his mind. Just as I let out my breath, the first spanking comes fast making me yelp in surprise.

"Count pup."

"O-one. Thank you Alpha." Then next one lands on my right cheek, making me groan, "Two, thank you Alpha."

Each slap to my bare bum gets heavier and faster, making it harder and harder to count without screaming. Despite the pain that is being forced onto my poor butt, the heat between my legs gets worse and worse.

"Twenty five! Than-thank you Alpha." The tears are flowing freely down my cheeks, not sure if I can handle much more.

"Such a good little pup, taking her punishment like a strong princess." Kova's comment makes me sigh in relief. It's finally over.

In an instant I'm flipped on my back with Xavier's lustful eyes staring at me. His hand creeps down between my thighs and he growls in approval, "Hmm, seems our brat enjoyed her punishment a little too much."

Kai's eyes switch from black back to green, and he makes his way to me, "Did our little girl enjoy being punished by Kova? Spanked till her ass was burning red?"

Xavier's fingers press harder into my kitty, making me slip out a moan. Kai takes this as his opportunity to capture my lips with his, exploring my mouth with his tongue.

It doesn't last long, when Kai gets yanked back by his hair, "No, you don't get to touch her. You're being punished too."

Kai's eyes switch to black instantly, and Torryn growls in protest, "You can't keep me from what's mine."

"Then you two should've thought about that before lying to me, twice."

Only a quiet, frustrated growl escapes his lips before Xavier tells him to go get the rope. Kai disappears leaving me alone with Xavier. His lips instantly find mine pulling me into a fight for dominance. Clearly he wins, and he squeezes my sore bum making me moan in pain.

"You like that kitten?" He teases me until Kai finally comes back with the hot pink rope.

"Tie her up." Xavier watches Kai's expert hands wrap my forearms firmly above my head. Xavier begins kissing down my thighs making me squirm in pleasure. Kai takes this distraction as his chance to grip onto my boobs, giving them a teasing squeeze.

Xavier growls, letting Kova slip through, "What did I tell you? Go sit down."

Torryn stands to face Kova, challengingly baring his teeth, "Stand down Torryn, I'm in charge. Don't you forget it. Now sit before I tie you up too."

The idea of seeing Dada getting dominated by Kova makes me whimper out a moan.

Both of their eyes snap to me, "Oh, does our pup like the idea of Alpha putting her master in his place?"

Torryn's eyes darken even more than I thought possible, "You like that idea, hmm? Such a naughty little pet." His hand give my throat a little squeeze sending pleasure down my spine.

With that a slap to my kitty makes me cry out in pleasure and Kai only grunts at the sight and takes a seat across from us.

"Well, pup, let's give him a show."

Whoa, is it hot in here or is it just me ;p

How did you guys like the chapter? Any suggestions?

If you couldn't tell, Kova and Torryn are kinky dogs too. Kova (Xavier's wolf) has an Alpha kink, and Torryn (Kai's wolf) has a pet kink. So yeah, that's a thing. Who want's to see more of them? 

Thanks for reading! Hope you all have a good night! 

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