Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry's POV:

"Hey Harry Minne wants us in the Great Hall right now" Hermione said to me

"But there's still like an hour before the trail?" I said clearly confused

"I know but lets just go and see what she wants" said Draco From behind

Me and the rest of the eight years started walking to the great hall

"Hello" started Minne " As you guys all know, earlier today we surprisingly found Tom Riddle to be innocent and we had scheduled a trial in a hour here but due to circumstances of a few death eaters escaping we have decided to move the trail to tomorrow after your first day of classes I hope this does not raise any type of panic"

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath

Me and the rest of the school started heading towards our common rooms

"That's a little suspicious don't you think? I mean isn't it Tom who controls the death eaters" Theo reasoned

"Theo has a point ya know" Neville agreed

"I'm Just mad I have to deal with Snivellus and Tommy in the same day"

"Snivellus?" Everyone questioned

"It's a name my dad and his friends made up for Snape when they were younger"

"Oh but that does sound bad with him always saying your hero complex isn't everything and him picking on you" Neville exclaimed

"Ugrh we have potions first thing in the morings" i said looking over our timetable

"If Snape says one thing about it just fire him an insult and lets all just walk out o the room" Draco said

"Yea!" everyone said agreeing

"Ah yes I think I will just let the whole class know that his 'Little' crush on my mother doesnt mean he and try to kill me everyday

"Snape loved your mother?" Ron asked

"Main reason he hates me I look to much of my dad" I said sighing

"Oof that sucks" Theo exclaimed

"Lets just go to bed and deal with it in the morning" Hermione said

"Yes Love" Pansy said

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE DID YOU JUST SAY LOVE???????????????" I yelled

"Yes..?" Pansy started before realizing what she said " shit" "Uh bye" she said pulling Hermione towards their dorm

"Theo you and Nev both owe me 10 galleons!" I said

They sighed and handed me 10 galleons each

"Right now let's go to bed" Draco said

A/N: Hiiiiiii THANK YALL SOOOOO MUCH FOR OVER 600 READDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSS. YOU DONT KNOW HOW GREATFULL I AM.  Anywayyy sorry for the short chapter I have ideas and the next 7 chapters of both my books mapped out in my heads but it just doesn't work when i type it so Im figuring out how to put it all on paper well not really paper but you get the idea.  Thank for reading what I have done. Now Im saying thanks way to much but Thanks again. Cya All next time. <3 

501 words

Uploaded on March 13, 2021 

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