Chapter 7

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A/N: oh yes I forgot to mention Voldy Moldy is still alive

3rd person:

The 8 friends walked into the great hall chattering like they had been friends forever. Everyone turned their heads to see the most unexpected group of friends; the Silver trio and the Golden trio walking together and talking without hexing each other. " aren't those the enemies of 7 years and there talking like they have been best friends for their whole lives" a Ravenclaw boy whispered not so quietly.

Harry's Pov:

" aren't those the enemies of 7 years and there talking like they have been best friends for their whole lives" a Ravenclaw boy said

"Why yes they are, does that concern you?" I snapped

The rest of the group just laughed along and walked to the table labeled 8th years.

Dean and Seamus were busy snogging their heads off.

" Hiya lovebirds" Draco says as they jump apart

" Uh, Hi Malfoy" Dean said looking confused to why Malfoy was talking to him

" Call me Draco please" Draco responded leaving both Dean and Seamus even more confused

" oh come on Draco" I said and pulled him to the end of the table where the rest of our group was

"As you know after the war last year we have added an extra year. The 8th years will have their own common room and there will be 2 to a dorm, your dorm mates have already been chosen." McGonagall started but that's all of her speech that I Heard before losing myself in Draco's eyes. Thankfully he was too busy listening to the speech to even notice me.

I followed McGonagall to the 8th year dorms

" flakekle box" she said as the door swung open, why do we never have a normal password? I sighed.

" your roommates the on the paper in the common room "

Neville Longbottom + Theodore Nott

Pansy Parkinson + Hermione Granger

Blaise Zabini + Ron Weasly

Millicent Bulstrode + Parvati Patil

Draco Malfoy + Harry Potter

Hannah Abbott + Anthony Goldstein

Susan Bones + Lavender Brown

Seamus Finnigan + Dean Thomas

Well looks like I have to Share a dorm with the boy I like well at least I know I'm Not the only one going through this as I reviewed the list I realized that who ever liked each other were together well from the people on the train I don't really talk to the others so I wouldn't know there crushes which is fine with me I might spill any time with how much I know.

We heard a knock on the common room door I went up to open it only to see professor Snape standing outside

"Yes professor?" I said not wanting to get into trouble

"Oh Potter, Great" he said sarcastically

" ok well why are you here?" I ask

" McGonagall wants everyone in the great hall right now it's a big emergency and Potter especially you will be needed" he said sounding kinda concerned

Me and the rest of the 8th years rushed down to the great hall only to see Aurors and many Ministry workers

" all of you may be wondering why you have been called here, well I have some" she paused and began again " well news it's not bad not its not the worst"

All the faces of the great hall were filled with concern

" well as you know last year during the battle of Hogwarts Voldemort backed off and resigned and let the light side win we were all stuck on why and today he was found" everyone awaited the answer " today he was found innocent..." McGonagall finished

The whole Great hall looked at her like she was crazy

" what do you mean he is innocent?" at least a hundred people said

" that we will explain later" " now Voldemort will be having a trial and we have decided that the trial will be held at Hogwarts later at 7pm you do not have to attend expect for the group of people that have it mandatory to come those people are: Harry Potter,Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Ron Weasly, Ginny Weasly, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Hermoine Granger, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy. It is also optional for all the professors except Professor Severus Snape, you will have to come. That is all, bye for now."

Everyone just stood there in silence " what the fuc just happened?" Blaise asked

" I don't know we will have to see we are the mandatory students" I said but I lied I knew exactly what it was about

" Potter, come here I wanna talk to you alone" I heard Snape say. I sighed

" Go ahead I'll catch of latter" I said to Pansy and Blaise everyone else had already gone back in shockdom ( is that a word? )

" Yes?" I said to Snape

"Are you okay? Like withall of this going on?" he asked I just stared at him but something in that voice told me he knew about why Voldy was proven innocent plus Voldy said he only told one other person then me it had to be Severus.

" You know" that's all I replied with

" Know what?" he asked

"Why Voldy Moldy was proven innocent he told me he told one other person that person has to be you" I said he just looked at me

" Voldy Moldy?" he asked, chuckling. I just sighed " and yes he uh told me so you knew, Potter, why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked me

I sighed " the exact reason you didn't Severus" I said

" oh- right and its still Snape to you" He said

" ok bye Severus" I said and ran out of his office

A/N:  PLOT TWIST!                                                                                                                                                               OMG OVER 300 READSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEYOND HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHHH THIS CHAPTER TOOK ME AN HOUR TO WRITE.

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