Chapter 2

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Harry's Pov:

I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. Just as Molly was giving us our food an owl came in through the window and dropped 2 letters and went flying out again. The letters were addressed to me and Ron. " Ron come here you got a letter" I said. "Who would send us a letter?" he said and came over to me. Then I realized it had the Hogwarts crest on it. " Ron, it's from Hogwarts!" I exclaimed. Ron looked confused, so Did I. we had our last year already, right? I thought. " Let's just open them," I said.

The letter :

Hello seventh years

As you know due to the war most of you were not able to focus on or finish your studies. So for this year we will be adding an extra year. You will have the choice to come back or not as the war has affected you all in different ways. If you come back you will be known as the 8th years and since lots of people won't be coming back we have built a common room for you all so all the houses will be in one room and as you are all adults i should trust you do not go starting fights especially Mr.Potter and Mr.Malfoy. I have also taken note that most of you have gone and purchased a muggle cell phone so I will be allowing them but if I or one of the professors see them in class they will be confiscated. I would also like to thank the following students for helping rebuild the castle:

Harry Potter

Pansy Parkinson

Blaise Zabini

Ron Weasly

Ginny Weasly

Luna Lovegood

Neville Longbottom

Hermoine Granger

Theodore Nott

Draco Malfoy

And if you do choose to come please write back to me as soon as possible, thank you.

Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry

I looked up at Ron, He hasn't finished reading yet. Then I looked back down at my letter re-reading it. I stopped when I saw Draco's name on the list. When did draco help rebuild the school? I mean I never saw him there with all the other people and I even saw Parkinson and Zabini but I didn't see Malfoy. Ron finished the letter " Harry, do you want to go back?" he asked me. I just looked at him and shook my head " I don't know Ron, I don't know" " oh please come Harry and Malfoy will be there, I'm pretty sure." I panicked " W-why would I want to go because of M-malfoy?" I asked hoping he didn't notice my stuttering. " Oh Harry you are so oblivious, we all know you like him" Ron stated. " What do you mean? " I asked, he looked at me and smirked " we all can see how you stare at him and you've been obsessed with him since 4 year." Oh shit, should I tell him? I mean he kinda already knows. " Okay maybe I do like him but that would be weird I havent seen him since the trail and he's probably not even gay.!"

I had come out to Ron, Hermoine, and the Weaslys as gay over the summer they took all it pretty well, the one who took it the worst was Ginny, he and Ginny had been dating right before he came out but Ginny said she understood and her and Harry were still good friends.

Hermonie's pov:

As soon as I read the letter I decided to owl Ron and Harry to see if they were going for an 8th year at Hogwarts. I went down to where my parents were and asked them if I would be able to go back to Hogwarts to finish my studies, my parents agreed and I went back upstairs. After about 10 minutes I heard a knock on my window that must be Ron and Harry's response I thought, excitedly getting up to see what they wrote.

The letter:

Hi Hermonie,

Yes Me and Harry will be coming back for an 8th year and I don't even need to ask you if you are coming back because we all know that you are. I know this letter was addressed to Harry and I know we haven't talked since we broke up but can we still be friends? And Harry is so oblivious he keeps denying his crush on Malfoy I mean everyone can tell even me and I'm supposed to be the dumbest one in the group (I kinda am) and I finally got him to admit it so I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts oh and don't tell Harry I wrote the part about Malfoy.

- Ron

She and Ron had broken up over the summer but it felt right because the feeling was mutual and Hermonie  had come out to her friends and family as lesbian and Ron had come out as bi. I sat down and read the letter and lagged when I got to the part about Harry and Malfoy. I got out a quill wrote a letter back

The letter Hermonie wrote back:

- Ron,

Yes we will still be friends and also yes you guessed right i am going back to 8th year. And yes I know both Harry and Malfoy are way too oblivious but Harry is definitely the most oblivious one out of the two and yes I'll see you in a few days.

- Hermione

I owled him back and started packing for Hogwarts.

A/N: Thank you to people who are reading my horrible fanfiction and sorry for the short chapter there gonna get longer I promise, my uploading goal is every other day or I might even upload daily den pending on my school and personal life so yea 

982 words 

Uploaded on January 27, 2021 

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