"Have you been to Kimbap Heaven?" he suddenly asked. I was confused, but at the same time grateful, for the change in topic.

I shook my head. "Never even heard of it."

"Really? Well, do you wanna go?"

I thought about it for a moment and decided I didn't want to be stuck inside the dorm for the whole day. "Sure," I said. "Lemme just get ready."

I went into the room to get my clothes -- I asked Kasey if she wanted to come with and she declined -- and took a quick shower.

Mark was already ready in front of the room when I opened the door. I was too lazy to find my comb so I just ran my fingers through my hair. Mark commented on it, and I just brushed him off.

We walked past BamBam and Yugyeom's room just as the door swung open.

Yugyeom came out first. He said something in Korean -- I was guessing that he asked where we were headed off to.

Mark replied and I saw something flicker in BamBam's expression. It could have been my imagination since I was actually looking at him, more like I can see him from the corner of my eye.

I followed Mark out, ignoring the two maknaes as they spoke to each other.

The whole way to Kimbap Heaven was quiet. I mean, Mark and I barely said anything. It wasn't until we were already at our table in the restaurant when he spoke.

"You know what you're gonna get?" He called the waiter and ordered for the both of us. When the waiter left Mark gave me a serious look.

"What?" I questioned, feeling a bit uncomfortable with his gaze.

Mark shrugged. "Nothing."

"So, you sure I'm going to like whatever it is you got?" I asked so we wouldn't have to deal with an awkward silence.

He chuckled. "I dunno. It's something I always order," he said. "I didn't t think I could give you something even I didn't know was good or not."

"Thanks, I guess," I mumbled. "But why did you bring me here?" It didn't register until now that there could have been a reason that he wanted to eat out.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with two friends hanging out," he replied.

I rolled my eyes. "If you think this is going to make me spill about what's going on, think again."

He sighed. "That wasn't it," he said. "It's just... I can tell you stressing out over whatever's happening or what happened. I figured you'd want to take your mind off of it."

The ends of my lips curved upward and I muttered a thanks. It got kind of awkward after that as none of us spoke, though when the food arrived the awkward silence was less noticeable.

"So, you have an aunt here in Korea, right?" Mark asked in an attempt to get a conversation going.

I nodded, swallowing the food in my mouth before replying. "Yeah. I should probably visit her."

"We could go after we're done here," he suggested.

I frowned. "I dunno. Don't you think you're gonna be bored or something?"

He shook his head. "I don't mind. Besides, I get the feeling that you don't want to head back to the dorm just yet."

I didn't say anything and just continued eating. He was right, though. There was a certain someone that I knew was in the dorm that I wanted to avoid.

"You sure you don't mind?" I asked Mark as we headed out of the restaurant.

He assured that he didn't and called for a cab. We got in and I gave the address.

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