"You...how did you escape the mountain?!" Johnny shouted in disbelief.

"Long story. Now you're completely aware of my group, La Squadra, and second in command Prosciutto, yes?"

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised they were worried about your sorry ass. Would have thought they would be relieved to be free from you." With a slight eye twitch, you took in a deep breath, ignoring your shaking hands as you handed Artemis to Tell as gently as you could.

"Ya know, Pros always said that it was pathetic to kick someone while they're down. However, I think we can make you an exception." Cracking your knuckles, you didn't hesitate on beating Johnny's ass while Fell did nothing but stare. By the time he decides that he should intervene, your team has already run over to separate you from Johnny. While a few of the members, mostly Melone, welcomed you back home, the two leaders of the group dealt with Johnny, all the while Fell stood there awkwardly.

When you finally calmed down after half an hour, you took this moment to hug each of the members (if they wanted hugs, I imagine a few of them don't-) and then introduced them to Fell.

"Sans, this is my team I told you about. There's 'big boss' Risotto, 'tiny' Formaggio, 'mirror man' Illuso, 'mom material' Prosciutto, 'precious' Pesci, 'whore man' Melone, annnnd 'angry ice bitch' Ghiaccio." You introduced as a smirk grew on your face, you could feel Ghiaccio's anger level rise.

"'Angry ice bitch'?! You've been gone for how long and you still call me such idiotic nicknames?!"

"I dunno, Ghiaccio, I think it suits you juuust fine." Formaggio teased as he and Illuso snickered to themselves.

"You cannot be fucking serious!" A smile crawled on your face as you looked over to Fell.

"They're always like this, don't worry about it."

"Oh, uh, I won't. I never thought I'd be meeting your family like this-" As the words left him, it grew quiet for a moment before Melone was hugging you tight enough it made it hard to breathe.

"Aw, you see us like family! I told you Pros! What did I tell you?!" Prosciutto simply gave a small sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Release (Y/n), would you? You're suffocating her." You were happy to see your group again but became rather nervous for Fell as you now had to explain to them that you were dating a skeletal monster.

~ SwapFell Sans ~

SwapFell made sure you didn't leave his sight when the human child freed you all from the underground, especially when he saw the discomfort on your face when you all gazed at the city below. He was aware of what happened in your life before you fell down, and now that you were all free, he made it his goal to never let you leave his sight, not like you would leave to begin with.

While the two skeletons discussed living arrangements, you had offered to let them stay at your place for as long as they wanted. Although your home was a bit small, it was better than being out in the streets.

Although Papyrus had his own room, SwapFell declared that the two of you would share a bedroom. Despite blue dusting his cheekbones, he crossed his arms to show that the idea didn't faze him, even though it did internally. [ Okay, I have no idea what color his blush should be, every blushing imagine I see of him is either blue or red so I'm gonna stick with blue just for the sole fact that it's my favorite color- ] Although the idea was bashful on his end, he mostly wanted to be as close as possible to you, especially when you're all now on the surface instead of the safety of Snowdin Town.

Eventually, you started attending classes again. Papyrus was looking for a couple of jobs to help with the bills, along with SwapFell as he made sure to have enough time to pick you up from college and walk you home.

Sans AUs x Reader: Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now