Chapter Four

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TW- strong language

The next day

Hazels POV

Its 6:30Am and me and Chlo get up. "Chlo could I borrow your make up? I didn't bring mine" I ask while we are getting dressed. "yeah of course" She answers. We get dressed do our hair and put makeup on. We go downstairs and have breakfast and then Tom takes us to school.

Rachels POV

I wake up by Eddie knocking on the door to my room. I'm still under my duvets basically asleep. "its open" I mumble and Eddie walks in. "Rachel its 7:00" He says and I go further under the sheets because I'm still really tired. "Rachel" He says a bit louder and I pull the blankets off of me. "I will make breakfast" He says and I smile at him and he goes downstairs. I'm sitting on my bed really confused because I don't remember coming up here last night. I have a quick shower and then I get dressed into a nice outfit.
Rachel is wearing this- (The picture is of Eva Pope the actress of Rachel Mason)-

Rachel is wearing this- (The picture is of Eva Pope the actress of Rachel Mason)-

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Rachels POV

I look at my self in the mirror and I like my outfit for once haha. I walk downstairs and Eddie has made pancakes for breakfast. "oooo Pancakes" I say excitedly. He turns to face me and gives me a plate with pancakes on it. "you look nice Rachel" He compliments. "thank you" I say and I smile. I turn away from him and blush a little. "oh I nearly forgot I need to get Hazels medication" I state while going into the medicine cabinet and getting out her medication and putting it in my bag. "your a good mum, you know that right" Eddie admits to me and I turn to face him. "I could be better" I state and he places his hand on my shoulder. "for what I've seen, you are amazing and she loves you a lot" he assures me. I smile and quickly sit down at the counter and eat before it gets awkward.

Eddies POV

Me and Rachel get into her car and we drive to school. We get out of the car and loads of students are smirking at us because we got out of the car together. I roll my eyes and Rachel doesn't even notice that students are thinking that we are together. We see Bolton fighting someone. Rachel runs over to Bolton. "Bolton STOP" She shouts and I pull Bolton off of the person he was fighting. He was fighting Paul Langley. "Right what's going on" Rachel sternly asks causing Bolton to face her. "Sorry Miss but he was getting on my nerves" Bolton says gritting his teeth. "that doesn't mean you should fight him" Rachel says frowning at him. "I know I'm sorry Miss" Bolton says. Rachel looks at Paul and frowns. "what do you have to say for your self Paul" I ask. He looks at me and Rachel and rolls his eyes. "Paul" I ask again. "ugh I'm sorry" Paul says. "right then, do not let me see you two fighting again" Rachel orders and I walk off while Rachel Is still talking to Bolton and Paul.

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