Chapitre 10

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Michael POV

I had given Y/n my phone number I really don't know why , my friends kept insisting on it

2 days ago

"Im telling you Mike you should give her your number"

Frederick said the others kept agreeing with each other about this .

"Are you guys fucking stupid? We literally just got into a fist fight. Plus why would I want to give her my number ? She's my rival."

"Weellll... during the park you kinda eh hem well you remember" Simon said

"I told you guys that was an accident.  Why do you keep insisting jesus you guys are worse than my dad right now"

They all just gave me a look that says 'sure we believe you an acident plus I'm in detention because of her , I know I started it but my friends kept saying how she is so stronger and even more menacing than me . Yea it kinda pissed me off , it was a stupid reason . But they weren't wrong she is pretty strong I had to give her that .

"You can give her your number during detention or after , its the perfect time ."Mark told me

"Alright fine just to get you guys to shut up."

They all started cheering and encouraging me to . God this is bloody stupid.

Time skip till after detention

As I was heading out of detention Y/n was walking just in front . I had my number in my hand it was hidden so I doubt they'd see it . I pushed them against a locker and that's when I realised how fucked up it was . She started talking but I couldn't really listen my mind was else were trying to think what to do , Why is this harder ? All I need to do is give her my bloody number ?! Michael what the hell are you doing now oh my god . If she had never came to this school none of this would have happened . That's when words slipped out of my mouth without realising it . She only shot back a remark
Trust me it pissed me off I wanted to punch her soo damn much .

I then heard the janitor I knew we'd be in trouble so I shoved her in a locker and hid with her . Ooh boy that time I felt like I was dying we were pretty much squished in there , I tried to look away but I would sometimes look down and see her red as a fricken tomato,  if she was trying to hide it , trust me she failed it was sorta cute , wait what ? The hell am I thinking ! I quickly looked away and felt blush creeping up on  my cheeks .

Once the janitor left we got out and just stayed still for a while , Y/n then bolted away .

I then realised...
I forgot to give her my number.

I went through all that for nothing. When I got home I had dinner and got ready for bed , I texted my friends about what h append .

                                            The squad

Freddy Stan ( Frederick ) : soooooo how'd it go???

Guitar boy ( Carl ) : yea tell us !!
                                         The leader ( Mike ) : I forgot to give it to her

You literally adore a chicken (Simon) : HOW COULD YOU FORGET ??!!

                                        The leader ( Michael ) : I dunno just did I geuss ️🤷‍♂

Freddy Stan ( Frederick ) : 🤦‍♂️ you dumb fuck

I then proceeded to tell them what had happen they all started spamming in the chat non stop fan gir- well fan boxing over it calling me a simp and shipping us . Oh my lord I then turned off my phone and went to bed .

The next day

Time skip till the afternoon

I was in the park with my friends messing around and just chatting , eventually we all needed to go home and have lunch .

"Hey Mike weren't you meant to walk your siblings home?"

"Yea right like I would walk does brats home their old enough to walk them selves home."

"Well Chris is only 5 and Liz is 7 , aren't you scared for them?"  Frederick told me

"Yea there has been a few kids abducted around the place , I think it was 4 kids right now? Give or take"  Simon said

I just shrugged besides whats the chance of that happening to them. Right?

We were walking home and I saw the most scary thing ever .
My siblings being forced in a van and Y/n? I quickly told my friends to grab anything they ended up going in some ones garage and taking 4 baseball bats , we then started running up towards them and started beating them up . I saw Y/n get out of the van and help Liz and Chris too I sighed knowing they were now safe , she then grabbed Carl's bat and proceeded to beat the abductors up with us not going to lie she was way cooler now , she also looked beati- no nope nuh uh , Michael what the hell . I saw Carl with a paper written
'Date this hot badass' I started chocking on air . I'm going to kill him later.

The police did come and take the men away they were known for abducting children and selling them or their organs on the black market , fucked up like hell . We were in the police car and my friends were encouraging me to give her my number I grabbed the paper from yesterday and put it in her hand she didn't notice I geuss or ignoring me . When the police dropped me and my siblings off , I got yelled at for not walking my siblings home aaaaannnd I got grounded , I wonder if Y/n will text or call me ?







Why am I hoping she will ?

Ok so this chapter was more of Michael's feelings towards Y/n and his attitude towards her explaining his actions a bit anyway see you guys tomorrow mabey

984 words.

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