Chapter 9

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Here I am waiting for school to start, when I got downstairs my dad was pretty mad at me like hella mad.

"Y/n , I'm honestly disappointed in you the drawing in class bothers me but as long as you can keep your grades up its fine , But GETTING INTO A FULL FIST FIGHT WITH ANOTHER STUDENT IS INACCEPTABLE".

"Well sorry I was only defending myself , isn't that what you tell me ? YoU CaN FigHT BaCK If tHeY HuRt yOU ."

I was definitely pissed off , I mean he always told me if it was in defense its fine I won't be mad but this is the second time already , SECOND he always said it would never matter ,espece de mito ( bloody liar )

also the author is very sorry if the translation is wrong im only writing what I think it means in English it won't be exact but its meant to be the same

My dad just sighed and handed me my report book , I took it and looked to see if he didn't forget to sign it , he didn't thank God . I then saw my bus out the window and decided to head out

btw you are what you want just to say for them right now its pretty hot weather so thats what you can work with , you can think of yourself in this wearing jeans skirts dresses shorts whatever you want thats all author out)

I got on it and sat down in the back next to the window , all i did was stare out of it I felt horrible after yesterday I still had bruises on my arms and legs it stun a lot , as I was in my thoughts I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a boy around my age .

"Sorry I just wanted to know if I could sit here the other seats are full"

I looked around the bus and saw that it was full, geuss I mustn't have noticed

"Yea sure go ahead."

He thanked me and sat down , he ended up starting a conversation with me , he was very nice to talk to his name is Joanne, I found out that he was French,  he was a vegetarian and had a odd observations with guns like he knew so many he also did violin like me . We ended up talking the whole way in our national language which was nice having someone to talk to.

He had medium length of hair tied in a low ponytail he had brown hair and eyes and wore a fanny pack

( thank you Nazzy-123  for the awnser )

He had a lot of cards in there he got his magician diplome in there which he showed me . We ended up giving each other phone numbers and I added him to our group chat with the others aka Sam Liam and Marie plus me duh.

Classes were boring like usual, nothing special really happened today since it was Wednesday it was only a half day so we left at 12 . I was walking down the pavement and I saw Elizabeth and Chris I didn't see Michael so I just assumed he was somewhere else , I was just about to turn  since that was where my house was I heard yelling , I looked over and saw Elizabeth screaming punching and biting a grown man , there was another one holding Chris , he was crying I swear my heart dropped when I heard what the man said .

"How much do you think the customers will pay for them?"

"There good looking kids probably a lot"

I knew I had to take action so I called the police and told them where the location was and ran up to them .

"Excuse me what do you think your doing with my siblings? Let them go right now as far as I know we've never met you"

They started whispering to each other i couldn't hear all I got was these words . Take her . No witnesses. Good looking also. Alot of other creepy things I dont want to mention , suddenly one of them grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me , I saw that there was a van (how cliché) they tried to put me in there and tried forcing Chris and Liz too , but my oh my we were saved and geuss who it was. NOT THE POLICE FRICKING MICHAEL AND HIS FRIENDS , not that I wasn't grateful I mean they did try to do human trafficking so yea .

I noticed that they were using bats honestly I wanted to beat these guys up too soooooo I snatched a bat out of Carl's hand and started whacking the grown men with it . Was I going to get in trouble ? Yes . Do I regret?  Fuck no .
Eventually the police showed up and took the grown men away and we were drivin home by a cop for all of us , when I got home my dad was crying saying how worried he was when the police called him about what I told them.
Well at least he cares but , during the ride home Michael gave me a paper . I went upstairs to look at it .





It was his phone number.

906 words

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