chapter twenty one

Start from the beginning

Quackity, George and Dream continued with walking into the living room to give the two boys their space to talk.

"I don't know how to thank you, Karl", his voice was so quiet and laced with such a softness.

"What do you mean? You don't need to thank me in any way, dummy", the taller boy laughed slightly and slapped his upper arm.

"I-I never had a real birthday party. No one has ever celebrated with me like this", he admitted.

Sapnap tried to hide the pain in his voice but Karl clearly heard it and it hurt him so much. It felt like a piece of his heart just cracked, he felt the need to hug the other boy because he had never deserved a life like he had. Nobody did.

"Y-you can stay over later if you want, stay the night here", the brunet whispered, his voice so quiet that Sapnap barely heard it.

"I'd love that", he placed his hands on Karl's cheeks, running his thumbs gently over them and tilting his head down a little bit, only to kiss him softly on the forehead. "Thank you so much", he breathed against it.

The taller boy closed his eyes and sighed. His body was bubbling with emotions, he was trying to whisk them away but the butterflies in his stomach were inevitable, just like his blush on his cheeks. 



They were all still sitting in the living room, chatting loudly about any random things. Karl was complaining about Mrs. Wilson again and everyone agreed with his opinion, that she was the devil.

Dream was laying on the couch, George in his arms. The taller boy's hand was running through the brown hair for a long time now and the blue eyes were slowly starting to feel heavy. "We can go home if you want to", Dream whispered against his ear.

"Yeah, I think we should go", George mumbled and yawned, sitting up afterwards.

The blond offered Quackity a ride home as well but he rejected, it wouldn't be that long to walk over to his house. Dream nodded and they all stood up and walked towards the front door.

"Do you need a ride home, Sapnap?", the tallest of all asked.

"Oh, no. I'm staying over", he said and shrugged, while Karl's cheeks were turning very red.

They were all slightly smirking at them and Dream swung his arm around his boyfriends shoulders, walking outside afterwards.

"Alright, see you guys in school then", he waved softly.

The other boys said their goodbyes as well and within minutes, Sapnap and Karl were alone.

"Are you tired?", the brunet asked as soon as the door fell into the lock.

"Yeah...", he breathed, rubbing his eyes later on. "But we should clean up at first", he added.

The taller boy nodded and they started to clean up the few cups and plates.

Half an hour later, they were standing in Karl's room and Sapnap was uncertainly looking on the bed. "I can sleep on the couch this time", his voice was laced with uncertainty, you could also take that out of the way he was awkwardly standing in the room.

"I-I thought that maybe we could sleep together in the bed... only if you want to of course", Karl asked nervously. He was so thankful for the dark light in his room because his cheeks were burning so much.

"Do you want me to?", Sapnap asked instead.

"I do", the brunet's voice was just a whisper, yet the smaller boy heard how soft it was, how uncertain he was as well.

They both crawled into the bed, carefully slipping under the blanket. It was awkward at first, Sapnap was just staring at the back of the brunet until he turned around after sighing. The blue eyes were shining in the gentle light and Sapnap realized that he had never seen something so beautiful. " You're so beautiful", he suddenly thought out loud. A blush overtook his cheeks and Karl buried his face down into the pillow in front of him, hiding his own blush. The smaller boy carefully placed his thumb on the other boy's chin and slowly lifted it up.

"Can I kiss you?", he asked, his breath hot on the brunet's lips.

Karl only nodded, not able to say anything.

His heart rose from his stomach to his chest as he watched Sapnap's lips getting closer to his. His heart decided to skip a beat and he parted his lips, a slight breath slipping through them. Karl felt him washing over him like a wave of warmth, needing to hold back a sigh, unfurling all his senses as the taste of the smaller boy nearly silenced all his thoughts. The only thing he thought about in that moment was just him and Sapnap, only the two of them.

And Sapnap felt the same. His whole body tingled and he was nervous at first but then he felt the brunet leaning forward, leaning into the kiss and kissing him back, and he's not nervous anymore. It was overwhelming, everything. Sapnap's heart was beating so loud in his ears, it was the only thing he heard in that moment, the only thing except the soft moan that escaped Karl's lips as he opened his mouth and let the smaller boy's tongue enter it.

The brunet leaned back, his breath going heavily. His eyes shot up to the green eyes and they looked at each other, the atmosphere suddenly very hot.

"That was the best birthday gift i've ever got", Sapnap mumbled, his breath going heavy as well. "You are the best birthday gift".

Karl felt the flutter in his stomach intensify, it was still there from the kiss. He smiled softly and placed his head down on the smaller boy's chest, feeling two strong arms embracing him instantly.


Hey, thank you for reading chapter twenty one! I hope you like it :D Stay healthy & ily <3

Twitter for updates: cyleedd

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