Chapter 2

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The mayor stood with Commander Hicks in the control room. They were looking at the images from the surveillance camera. Strong comes into the room with Chris. The Commander asks "How is Deacon?" Strong laughed "He's back to his old self. He's already back home with Any." Hicks exhaled in relief. Chris asked "Have you figured out what those teenagers wanted yet?" The commander shook his head and replied "No..." Hondo came into the control room and shouted "We got some clues as to where this gang's hideout is!" He handed Hicks a tablet and Hicks looked at it. He thought about it for a moment and called out "Okay Hondo, you and Rocker's team are going to check out this warehouse. Maybe you will find something out!" Hondo shouted "Chris you come with me! Strong you stay at headquarters." Chris looked at Hondo confused and Hicks interjected "Alonso but you will only, participate as a sniper! Do you understand me?" Chris friends disappeared from her face and she said "Yep boss..."

The oldest of the teenagers was pacing excitedly back and forth in the warehouse. He shouted "Guys! Man guys! We gotta get out of here!" One of the younger ones handed him an envelope and said "Boss this was in the mailbox!" The oldest opened it and read the letter and shouted "Pack your bags we are leaving today. This is from our buddies!" He held up plane tickets. The other teenagers began to cheer. They ran wildly, packing their bags.

Strong watched the video footage, and at one point she kept flushing back a bit. She pondered and zoomed in on the recording. "Did you spot anything Strong?" Strong turned around. Lynch was standing behind her. Strong replied "No...I was just thinking...oh never mind." She closed the surveillance video. Lynch inquired "What were you thinking?" Strong leaned against the table and answered Lynch "I had briefly thought I saw my little sister..." Lynch looked at her inquiringly "So, why can't that be?" Strong replied thoughtfully "She died at the age of five while training with my parents..." She became thoughtful and looked sadly at her hands. Lynch said " condolences." Strong wiped a few tears from his face and left the center. He walked into the kitchen.

The Blackbetty pulled up in front of an old warehouse. Hondo got out and said "We're going in now. Keep moving!" They entered the warehouse and searched through it. It was empty. Luca went to a small table and said "This must be where the fire bombs were built..." Hondo joined him and agreed. Street went into a small side room and found a white envelope. He looked at it closely and found a plane ticket. He read what was written on it. He called out, "Hondo!" Hondo came up to him with the others and asked "What's Street?" Street handed Hondo the plane ticket. Hondo examined it and shouted "These guys escaped to Italy!"

Strong leaned against a table in the kitchen and thought about her past. She grew sadder and angrier. Suddenly, she picked up a chair and threw it. In the direction of the door and yelled "MAN!". "Oha..." Cortez stood in the doorway. The chair had just missed her. Strong cringed and tried to apologize "Oh...sorry Jessica..." Cortez walked up to her and asked "Is everything okay with you Romy?" Strong sank to the ground, powerless. Cortez squatted down next to her and asked "¿Qué tienes, Romy?" Strong looked at Cortez and replied "La grabación de la cámara de seguridad muestra a mi hermana pequeña.... muerta desde hace muchos años." Cortez sat down next to Strong and asked "¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que siga viva?" Strong shook his head "No, mi madre, cuando entrenaba con ella. Se puso una bala en la cabeza..."

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