Chapter 1

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The next morning, Chris and Strong lead the way to the S.W.A.T. precinct. Chris was very thoughtful and asked "What do you think, when should we tell the others that we are together..." Strong looked over at her and remembered something "Um would need to fill out this form..." She handed Chris a form. Chris read it and asked "Do you need to give this to Commander Hicks?" Strong nodded. Chris grabbed his forehead and said "Oh man actually I don't want to make it public yet..." Strong swallowed and remained silent. Chris looked at her inquiringly "Is everything okay Romy?" Strong swallowed and answered "Yes." She continued to be silent. Chris dug a pen out of her backpack and signed the form. She said "Here's signed but please don't tell the others yet..." Strong laughed "Alright Chris." She thought about it and asked "Do you know that Deacon knew all along. That I'm in love with you?" Chris looked at Strong in amazement and asked "Honestly?" "Yes and I think he knows we're together too." continued Strong.Chris looked at them with wide eyes.
Strong stopped the car and said "We're here." She got out and picked up her backpack. Chris got out as well. She went to take her backpack but Strong shouted "No Chris. I'll take it." Chris rolled her eyes and let Strong pass. Strong took Chris backpack and said "Com we go change." They entered the S.W.A.T. precinct.

The mayor of LA was walking down the hallways of City Hall. She said "I hope these troublemakers will be arrested soon." No sooner had she spoken than a bang and fire broke out. The two men who were supposed to be watching the mayor looked at each other and wanted to get the mayor to safety.They were walking with her in the direction of the emergency exit when shots rang out. The two men fell dead. The mayor shrieked. She ran, but did not get far. Two masked youths stood in front of her and threatened her with firearms. She wanted to run in the other direction, but two youths cut her off again, also with firearms.

The Blackbetty stopped in front of the town hall. Hondo's team jumped out of the Blackbetty and formatted themselves. Hondo shouted "Our goal is to get the mayor live out of there! Close the gaps!" They entered the building. Chris stayed behind in the van, keeping watch as a sniper. Strong was right behind Deacon. When they got to the second floor, Hondo made the signal for them to split into two groups. Strong went to the right with Deacon. Tan, Luca went to the left and Hondo stayed with Street in the straight hallway.
Deacon kept his eyes open searching the surroundings. Suddenly Strong whispered "Deke something moved back there!" Deacon let Strong go ahead and whispered "Be careful we don't know exactly how dangerous these teenagers are..." Strong nodded and continued walking. A youth jumped out from behind a door and opened fire. Deacon and Strong took cover behind a door lying on the floor. Deacon picked up his radio and called out, "We're under fire!" Deacon cautiously looked over the door. Strong called out "Look out Deke!" Deke startled and ducked away. The bullet grazed his upper arm. He groaned and held his arm. Strong opened return fire and shouted "Deke!" Deacon hilt his upper arm, looking at his hand he said "I'm hit Romy..." He became dizzy and doubled over. Strong picked up her radio and called out "Hondo! We need backup! Deke is hit!" Hondo replied "We're on our way! Stay where you are!" Strong laughed and said "Sure Hondo I'll wait here. It's not like I can leave here without your help." She continued shooting.She continued shooting. A few minutes later, Hondo and Street joined Strong. They took over shooting so Strong could take Deke out. She shook Deacon and said "Deke come on help me a little!" Deke weakly opened his eyes and got up with Strong's help. They walked out together. Outside they were met by Roker's team They took over Deacon and took him to the ambulance. Strong walked behind them.

After five minutes, Street and Hondo were able to arrest the teenager who had shot Deacon. They took him outside and put him in a patrol car. "Hondo, we got the mayor. She is unharmed!" reached Hondo the radio message from Luca. Hondo took his radio and asked "And the hostage takers?" Luca answered "Two dead one escaped..." Shortly after, Luca and Tan came out of the city hall with the mayor. They were immediately surrounded by reporters.

S.W.A.T. around the world (English version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant