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Hondo and his team drove to the public library with blue lights. When they got there, the building looked at them in disbelief. Street shouted, "Holy shit!" Chris hilt the Blackbetty on and everyone jumped out. Hondo went to the fire chief and asked "What happened here?" The fire chief replied "It's not clear yet what happened but I would guess an incendiary bomb!" Hondo thanked him and went back to his team. He said "You know what to do! Calm the passersby and the survivors!" Everyone shouted "Yes boss." They looked around and split up. Chris and Strong helped, first an old woman. They helped her walk to a bench and tended to her minor abrasions. While Strong was putting a bandage on her, Chris asked "Could you observe anything strange?" The woman pondered. Before the woman could answer Strong spotted a small child crying. She gently grabbed Chris by the shoulder and said "I'll just help that child over there." Strong walked over to the child. The older woman looked at Chris and replied "Yes two male figures had pulled up on a black motorcycle...I think one of those men threw a package through the window." Chris made a mental note. The woman asked "did they find the love of their lives in their co-worker?" Chris blushed and changed the subject "I have to take care of the others now. Can they manage on their own?" The old woman nodded. Chris went to Luca.
Strong walked up to the crying child and asked "Hey what's your name?" The child sobbed and replied "Hanna..." Strong asked "And where are your parents?" Hanna pointed to the burning house and continued to cry. Strong said "Let's go see if your parents aren't with the injured." She took Hanna in her arms and asked "What are your parents' names?" Hanna answered quietly "Peter and Jane..." Strong walked with Hanna to Hondo and asked "Hey Hondo have you interviewed or seen a Jane and a Peter yet?" Hondo turned to her and replied "No sorry Strong...who do you have there?" Strong looked to Hanna and said "This is Hanna and she has lost track of her parents..." Hondo immediately understood. He shouted "Street!" Street ran to Hondo and Strong. Hondo ordered "Street you help Strong find Hanna's parents." Street nodded and Strong and Street continued searching.
Street and Strong searched for half an eternity, questioning everyone they met. It wasn't until darkness began to fall that they found two slightly injured adults. The woman called out "Hanna!" Hanna called out "Mum!" Strong and Street brought them to her and asked "Are they okay so far?" The young woman smiled and replied "It's tolerable. My husband and I have been luckier than some...besides, we have our Hanna back now..." She hugged Hanna affectionately. Street and Strong smiled at each other and went back to Hondo and the others. Hondo asked "Strong are Hanna's parents okay?" Strong nodded "Yes, they are both only slightly injured..." Hondo exhaled in relief "Luckily we've had enough orphans lately..." Hondo's cell phone rang and he answered it. After a few minutes he said "Yes I understand Commander." He hung up and turned to his team and said "So guys we are off duty." They headed back to headquarters.

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