Chapter 4

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Hondo's and Rocker's team boarded the plane and took their seats. It was a large plane. There were several rows of six seats in the middle and on the two sides the rows always had three seats. The SWAT members looked in the middle rows. Strong sat in one row with her team. Only Street had to sit in another row. Strong sat next to Chris and Deacon. Strong leaned deep into her seat and didn't speak a word. Chris understood her and at one point said "I'll just go get us something to munch on." She got up and walked down the hall. Deacon also got up and followed her. He stood next to Chris and asked "Did she really trash the locker room?" Chris looked at him confused and asked "Yeah how do you know?" "Well, I had to go get my backpack like everyone else and then we put one and one together..." replied Deacon. Chris looked briefly at Strong and said "Yeah, when I came in she was huddled on the floor crying." Deacon looked at her worriedly and considered "I don't know if it's such a good idea for Hiccup to let her come along..." Chris looked at him startled "And what if her sister is really still alive?" Deacon looked at Chris seriously "Exactly, that's what I mean! She wouldn't be able to do her job very well! Imagine if she had to shoot her sister!" Chris gasped at the thought. She paid for the snacks and said "You're right..." They went back to their seats. They actually slept the rest of the flight.

The teenagers walked towards a large mansion with their bags. The oldest said "Hey Ong is this your family's house?" The girl with the reddish-brown hair replied "Yes." The boy laughed "Cool thing!" Ong stepped forward and rang the doorbell. The door opened automatically. The teenagers walked through. They were met by a young man with dark brown hair. The young man said "You guys are really not bad." Ong looked at him scrutinizingly and asked "Jascha? How did you get here?" The young man laughed "Oh Emilia I should probably ask why I suddenly find out that my little niece is not dead at all!"Both started laughing and hugging each other. Ong whose real name was Emilia said to her comrades "This is Jascha my uncle." The teenagers looked at each other and laughed. They looked at Emilia. She didn't understand exactly why the others were laughing now. She looked at them questioningly. They said "Well you are already a very special person!" They followed Jascha into the house.

Strong was the only one lying awake and thinking. Slowly her eyes closed but she forced herself to stay awake. She just didn't want to fall asleep. Because the last times she fell asleep, she had always dreamed about her sister dying. She heard her mother's words over and over again in her head: "Oh, don't mourn Romy. She was just too weak and would never have made it big anyway! She was unimportant, that is proven now!" After the words, her mother had simply arranged for the body to be burned and the ashes put in the trash. Strong grabbed her head and began to cry. She got up and went into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and asked "Why me?" She hit her head and screamed "Why did I have to get a family like this!" She sat down on the toilet in despair and cried.

Cortez stood next to Hicks in the control room and asked "Do you really think it's a good idea to let Romy go to Italy with you? What if it really was her sister on the surveillance video?" Hicks looked to her and said "Yeah I think it was the right decision, maybe it will help Strong come down. I mean she has to get closure with her family at some point and live her own life." Cortez smiled "Yes you are right but I am afraid for Romy. She is very intelligent but when it comes to her family she is petrified and doesn't respond to anyone anymore." Hiccup swallowed and said "You're right, I didn't think about that..." He nervously walked into his office and closed the door.

The plane landed and the SWAT members got off. Strong was the last to get off. They walked right out of the airport. Outside, they were met by Italian police. They drove to a hotel. As they drove, Street asked the policeman driving them "Any leads yet on where the teens are?" The policeman replied "Yes, and it's not going to please one of their colleagues at all." Hondo looked questioningly at the policeman "What do you mean?" The policeman looked at Strong through the rear view mirror and replied "The juveniles are on the Strong property..." Strong gulped and asked "Might my uncle be there too?" The policeman asked "Do you mean Jascha Strong?" Strong nodded. The policeman replied "Yes, according to our colleagues, he picked up the youths." Deacon asked "Is he a born Strong?" Before the cop could answer Strong replied "No. He married my mother's sister a few years ago." Hondo asked "What was his name before?" Strong pondered "Something about forums,, his name was Florentini before the wedding." Hondo and Deacon looked at each other in shock. Hondo asked "Are you sure Jascha Strong is there?" The policeman nodded "Yes." Deacon dug out his cell phone and started making calls. Strong looked at the two confused and asked "What have you got?" Hondo replied "You know Fifi right?" Strong nodded and Chris explained "Her parents were killed by the Florentinis." Strong went white. She said "I can't imagine that Jascha could kill anyone..." She looked dejectedly at his hands. Hondo saw this through the rearview mirror and asked "What do you mean?" Strong looked at him "Well, my uncle used to pick people's pockets and stuff but he never shot anyone and he was still the normal one from my family." Deacon looked at Strong skeptically. They fell silent and drove on.

S.W.A.T. around the world (English version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن