"Heather called, she said she has a ad that she thinks I'd be perfect for"

Daisy smiled "that's awesome"

Charlie nodded "yeah it is"

"I wish you the best of luck"

"Then I'm guessing you have no idea what the ad is about then huh?"

Daisy shook her head "nope, just hearing about this right now"

Charlie nodded "well thank you, I'll keep you posted"

Daisy smiled "awesome"

"How are you feeling"

"I'm alright"

"What about the mystery person, see them yet?"

Daisy nodded "sadly, but it wasn't too bad" she said "I didn't have much of a conversation and just walked away"

"That's great" he said "way to be a bigger person"

Daisy smiled then looked over his shoulder to see an older lady coming out onto the balcony smiling at them.

"Well, I have to get to Heather now, but I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your day" he smiled and patted her on the shoulder "also don't forget to call me whenever you need anything"

Daisy nodded "I will" she said as she waved as she watched Charlie leave the balcony and enter the building.

Daisy noticed the lady sit down at one of the tables and then turned back to look at the view.

"I'm guessing you must be Daisy" she said

Daisy turned to look at the women and raised her eyebrow "yes I am"

"It's nice to meet you, we didn't get to meet yesterday since you were helping Charlie yesterday which I think it made you guys grow even close" she said the last part with a smile.

"Oh uh, Charlie didn't help yesterday" Daisy lied

"Yes he did, but don't worry I won't say anything" she said with a smile

"I'm Debby, one of the managers at the agency"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you"

"No need to apologize sweetie it's totally fine"

Daisy smiled "so I noticed your assistant desks isn't in the room with us, why is that?"

Debby smiled "that's because I don't have one"

Daisy raised an eyebrow "why not"

Debby chuckled "I know I should, especially being the oldest at the agency but I don't like to rely on other people to do stuff for me, so I just do it myself" she said "but it's fine since I don't have as much work load as the rest of the managers do" she continued "plus I work with the more older actors, the ones that stay away from the drama" she chuckled.

Daisy smiled "yeah that's understandable"

"So, you and Charlie huh?"

Daisy shook her head "no it's nothing like that"

Debby nodded "I know"

Daisy shrugged "because of the rule?"

Debby laughed "no, because actors don't pay any attention to people who are not celebrities, let alone assistants"

"but Charlie's not like that, he's really sweet and caring"

"Yeah, they all are once they start off" Debby said "do you wanna know how that rule got started off in the first place?"

"Yes" Daisy said

"Well, it all started 30 years ago, when I was an assistant just like you, I met this really cute actor who I had to take care of because my boss asked me too, we grew close" Debby said looking down a bit "I went over to his place, he went to mine" she sighed

"but I didn't want anyone to know of us, not yet anyway so I asked him not to say anything to anyone especially my boss, one day my boss came up to me and asked me about him, I couldn't lie at all so I told her everything" she sighed again "she wasn't mad, but when she went to tell him about it he denied everything, he said he had no idea who I was at that he has never even talked to me before"

Debby wiped a tear that fell from her eye "I was so heartbroken, not because of just that but because my manager thought I made the entire thing up, I told her I did because I didn't want to start anything because everyone would believe the celebrity, but I also told her that I didn't wanna work with him anymore so she agreed" Debby looked up at Daisy "so a couple years later when I got promoted to manager I wrote it down so no other person would get their hearts broken like I did"

"Wow" Daisy said "I can't believe he would do that"

Debby chuckled "neither can I"

Daisy looked at Debby "did you ever see him again?"

Debby nodded "yes, but I tried my best to avoid him, one day he bought his girlfriend to work with him and that's when I realized he didn't care so I didn't let it bother me" she chuckled "and get this he still is a actor at the agency, and I'm his manager"

"What!" Daisy practically shouted "you're kidding right?"

Debby shook her head "nope"

"Is it not awkward"

"Not unless you make it to be, he once asked me if I was in a relationship and I told him that it was completely inappropriate to tell his manager that, but the child in me wanted to make him jealous even though he didn't care for me and I told him that I'm married even though that's the farthest thing from the truth, and he never bought it up again"

"I think If I were you I would definitely yell at him for doing what he did"

Debby shrugged "it's all in the past now"

"Who is he?"

Debby chuckled "he's a pretty well known celebrity now, but I won't give up his identity because no one must know about him"

Daisy nodded "I understand"

"Which is why, don't be fooled by Charlie he could do the same thing to you no matter how sweet he is now, alright?"

Daisy looked down and nodded "got it" she sighed then looked at her phone "I should probably get back to work" she said "it was nice meeting you Debby"

"You too, sweetie"

Daisy walked out of the balcony feeling sad. Would Charlie really do that, daisy shook her head and thought to herself 'she can't get close to Charlie' because if she does Heather would not be as considerate as Debby's manager was. Heather would fire her in a blink of an eye.

As Daisy was walking back to her desk, her father opened up his office door "get in" he said

Daisy looked around then walked into office "yes?" She asked

"I need you to quit, now" he said harshly

AN// I know there isn't a lot a lot of content with Daisy and her father as some of you might want, but there will be soon. There will also be more Daisy content with the rest of the cast of JATP!!

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