11//The Silver Millenium//

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"I remember you... Endymion, I remember everything..."


A quiet sigh left Celeste's lips as she drank in the quiet of the palace gardens, her sanctuary within the palace walls, adorned by immortal roses and greenery. She found herself in an ever so familiar position; seated on a stark white bench and staring up, eyes transfixed on the sky above, specifically on the glowing blue orb that was the earth. The forever glittering stars framed the distant planet and drew her in, just as they had for months on end.


Celeste practically leapt out of her skin, just barely suppressing a yell of surprise. By now, she should've been used to it, but Serenity always seemed to find ways to mess with her. The younger princess giggled, skipping to the same bench her cousin was seated on. A frown crossed Celeste's lips, "I thought I'd told you to stop jumping out of places like that!"

Yet another laugh erupted from Serenity as she settled comfortably on the seat, "Oh, please be braver~"

As much as Celeste wanted to scold Serenity, she couldn't bring herself to do so, seeing the bright smile on her cousin's face. Being able to wiggle her way out of trouble with a charming smile had always been Serenity's special skill ever since they were young. Celeste shook her head, going back to enjoying the sight of the deep blue planet above as Serenity joined her. Time passed in peaceful silence. More peaceful for Celeste, considering Serenity was never one to sit still for long. The blonde princess began to grow antsy in her seat, gaze flickering from the sky to Celeste and back again before she finally broke, "I still don't quite understand your fixation, Celeste."

Celeste turned to the young girl, raising a brow as she continued. Serenity looked slightly exasperated, probably from sitting still, "What does the earth have that we don't? Compared to Venus or Jupiter, I'm sure Earth couldn't even compare."

A sigh left Celeste's lips, "It's much deeper than that." Upon Serenity tilting her head inquisitively, Celeste smiled sadly. "Serenity, you're the crown princess of the moon kingdom, meanwhile I'm merely the regent. Your life seems so exciting, you've got so many things set out in your future and..." She avoided the younger girl's gaze. "...and I'm stuck here. Training to be your spare... I'm not as important as you or the guardians. I just want something to explore outside of my duties for once."

A sympathetic look crossed Serenity's blue eyes, "Oh, Celeste..." she twiddled her thumbs. "I don't think of you as a spare..."

Celeste turned to her, laughing and reaching to pinch Serenity's cheek, making her pout, "I know that~" Her smile, however, quickly disappeared as she turned back to face the earth wistfully. "I just wish the people of our kingdom were as kind as you... It's a silly dream but I can't help but fantasise about escaping there for a moment... Even if it's forbidden..."

Serenity stared at her cousin's melancholy expression her heart hurting for her. Celeste had never shared this secret with anyone else but her before. She was always making sure to be strong for Serenity, often putting aside her own feelings. Serenity clenched the fabric of her dress. This time she'd be there for her.

"Celeste...I have something to show you," Serenity clasped her cousin's arm and pulled her up along with her.

"Serenity what are you-" Before Celeste could finish, she was being dragged at top speed out of the garden. Serenity ignored her cries of protest as they raced through the large palace, past guards and other nobles until finally reaching Serenity's room.

A look of pure confusion rested on Celeste's face as she was practically pushed in and watched Serenity lock the door before running over to her closet. The blonde disappeared through the large doors and reluctantly Celeste followed her in. The closet was practically a room on its own, stacked to the brim with gowns and gifts from all over the galaxy. She smiled looking at each dress, having memories of each ridiculous thing her cousin had done wearing them. Suddenly, her vision was obscured by material being thrown at her face. Celeste spluttered pulling it away and inspecting it. A cloak? She didn't recognise this one at all...and it didn't resemble any of the plethoras of clothing surrounding her. It also seemed much too... bland for her cousin's liking. Serenity's excited smile only amplified her confusion.

Miracle Romance [Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें