8//Mamoru Chiba//

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Part of you wanted to be shocked by the information, but it was never much of a revelation, to begin with. More of a confirmation. But being faced with the truth didn't make it any easier to process.

This meant that you'd been fighting alongside Mamoru Chiba. It meant that you'd confided in and become friends with Mamoru Chiba. It meant that you'd kissed Mamoru Chiba. This was no longer speculation or fantasy but pure fact now.

You looked down at your lap, observing the creases in the blankets to distract yourself from Mamoru's stare. What would one even say in this situation? Where could you even start?

"...Thanks for taking care of me," You spoke in an unsure whisper. "For all I know, you could've just left me there...haha..."

Mamoru didn't look amused, "...I wouldn't do that. Not to you."

You swallowed dryly before taking a breath. You couldn't dance around things anymore, "...Please just be clear with me. What is the silver crystal and why do you need it?"

This time he averted his gaze, opting to look forward at the wall in thought. Crossing his arms, Mamoru began, slowly, "When I was young, I was in a car accident with my parents...I was the only one to come out of it alive and as a result, I lost all my memories. They were unable to identify who I was or who my parents were, so I became an orphan," he let out a deep sigh. "I can't even remember their faces."

He absentmindedly wrung his hands together, looking slightly out of it, "I didn't have anyone. So, after a few years of dead-ends, I gave up on trying to find anything... Then I started having these recurring dreams."

You nodded slowly, slightly unsure if you should speak up or not, "Those dreams...What do they have to do with the silver crystal..."

Mamoru paused for a long moment, his eyes showing slight hesitation. His silence was telling, but as you were about to apologise for asking, he cut through the stillness, "There are two dreams. In one, there's a girl in a long dress, facing away from me to the moon. Before I wake up, she tells me to search for the 'silver crystal'. In the other, a different girl is cradling my head in her lap. My vision is blurred but I can tell that she's crying. I can't hear much aside from her saying she loves me before I wake up."

"Of all the things in my life, these dreams have been the only form of consistency. They're my only form of 'memory'..." He faced you, a serious expression on his features. "I can't tell you exactly what the silver crystal is. All I know is that it could be the only clue I have to who I am."

Silence once again filled the room as you drank in the deluge of information you'd been given. Things were starting to make more sense now... It explained why he lived here on his own. It explained why he was so closed off. It explained his desperation for the 'silver crystal'. Guilt settled in the bottom of your stomach again, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pressed..."

Shaking his head, he sighed deeply, "There's no way for you to have known. You were right, it wasn't fair for me to keep things from you when you were working so hard to help me."

The guilt didn't subside. You looked down at your hands again, "...None of what I said that night was true. I was just being a jerk to you-"

"No, you were right," Mamoru went back to staring forward at the wall. "I suppose dreaming of princesses and magical crystals then dedicating my life to find them is something a crazy person would do."

You bit your lip, conflicted on whether to speak up but after considering it you did, "...I haven't told anyone before, but I've also had recurring dreams about the silver crystal. With two girls running away from something and mentioning it...Maybe we've been dreaming about the same people," This caught his attention, he turned to face you wide-eyed. "If that makes you crazy then I guess I am too."

A playful scoff left his lips, "That explains that day in the library. You muttered something about the silver crystal in your sleep." He shook his head softly. "...I'm going to continue searching for the silver crystal, I understand if you don't want any part of this anymore."

Turning to face you, he shared a soft smile. However, it didn't quite reach his eyes, making you slightly wary, "I can do it on my own. I'm used to it."

You analyzed his face. He was smiling but...He looked so sad. How could he want to be alone after being left behind by everyone? How could he even entertain the idea? You didn't get it. You just couldn't understand it...Before you could think clearly, you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. He froze under your touch.

"You don't deserve to be alone. I'm not going to leave you alone," Mamoru didn't move in your embrace. In fact, you don't think he even breathed. But, you didn't let go, determined to prove your own point.

However, after a few moments, you came to your senses and released him, looking mortified. Mamoru stared at you, slightly taken aback and you felt your cheeks heat in embarrassment. Regardless of secret identities and magical crystals, he was still your senior. There was always supposed to be a respectful line between the two of you. A line that you just crossed severely.

"S-Sorry, I'll see you at school, Senpai," you didn't hesitate to leap out of the bed and scramble for your brooch on the desk, trying to shield your humiliated expression from him. Your sudden air of formality put an unreadable expression on his face as he watched you leave the room in thought.

Once you put on your shoes at the front door, you took a second to pause and take a deep breath in an attempt to steady your heart. Of all the times to be flustered, why now? You reached for the door but halted, feeling a gentle hand on your shoulder and warm breath at your ear.


You didn't dare breath or turn around, feeling your heart skip a beat. Mamoru stood behind you one arm rested casually against the wall while the other was on your shoulder. His proximity was sending your mind into a frenzy. You had to stare down at your shoes to keep your head clear.

After a short pause, you felt him move back and put an object onto your head from behind, "(Y/N), your bag."

The slight amusement in his voice made it clear that he was enjoying teasing you like this, much to your chagrin. With slightly shaky hands, you took the bag, still not turning around, "T-Thank you..."

Without a moment more of hesitation, you opened the door, leaving the apartment and rushing into the elevator down the hall. You buried your face into your hands as you leant against the glass mirror of the elevator, trying to block everything out. Once again, your heart was racing, feeling as though it would leap out of your ribcage.


Your mind replayed Mamoru's voice without stopping. How could be so casual about calling you that when he'd been saying '(L/N)-San' until now... You'd be lying if you said you didn't like it though...

Clutching your bag to your chest, you glanced at your flustered expressions in the mirror...

Next time you'd try calling him 'Mamoru'...

Miracle Romance [Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now