"How did  this happen?" Marie asks, longing for the details, "I thought you liked Wyn!" 

Clarissa had expected this issue to come up, but it still hurts to hear his name. She forces a lighthearted smile, "I thought I was too, but I realised that I love him as my friend and I was hurt because he hadn't told me about Jenny," She lies, "I would never be happy as his wife, he is too simple for me, but Daniel..." She pretends to go all dreamy, "He makes me feel everything,"  

"When did you meet him?" Silas asks, crossing his legs.

"I met him at the Starling Ball. Samuel Barclay stole Catherine for a dance and left me with him. We eventually danced and he stole my breath away, I have never felt such love until he waltzed with me,"

"Wonderful!" Marie says, the corner of her eyes misting. She dabs at them, "It's like a fairytale," 

Clarissa laughs, just like Grace said it is, "I know I can't believe my fortune." 

"Oh, can I plan the wedding?" Her mother begs suddenly, "I have so many ideas, white lilies will be ideal for your colouring...." 

"Daniel's mother wants to plan the day I think." Clarissa interrupts hastily, "Neither of us wants to wait so she's already drawn up plans," 

"Oh," Marie appears a little affronted, but she recovers and nods, "I am sure she'll plan a wonderful day....maybe she will let me assist?" 


"How soon are you planning to be wed?" Silas wonders, not missing her subtle hint. 

Clarissa braces herself for the last bombshell, this is the final leg of her act, "Within a fortnight, Daniel is applying to the crown for a special licence." 

"On what account?" Silas scoffs in disbelief. His better mood dropping right back down. 

"On the account that he loves me." She replies, a little defensively. She knows that a quick wedding is a red flag to anyone but she needs them to believe that it is what she wants and needs. 

"Is that it?" Marie questions, her gaze drops to her midriff. 

"Yes, he loves me and wants to marry me as soon as he is able. What is so hard to believe about that?" Clarissa spins the subject on them. She'd rather avoid raising the topic of her fake child with her parents even if that is the tale the town with belief. It's her last resort. 

"Nothing darling," Silas reassures, "But there is no need to rush to the alter. Why not enjoy your engagement?" 

"I have found the man that I love and you ask that I wait?" Clarissa pretends to get angry, she crosses her arms and pouts, "Why should I?!" 

Silas and Marie share a concerned look. Clarissa knew this would be their reaction and she knows what she has to do to convince them of her love. Even if it is out of character. 

She huffs, "He's not after my money, he has plenty of it himself, so don't think that this is about my dowery," She advises, "In fact, you can talk to him, himself at 3, when he calls." She jumps to her feet and strides to the door, "I am going to rest!" 

She then flounces from the room, imitating Celeste after one of her tantrums. She slams all the doors on her way to her room, making sure to stomp on the stairs. When she reaches her room she throws her door shut, grinning as it bangs. She jumps onto the bed and closes her eyes. She understands that this is not going to be as simple as convincing them she is in love, but hopefully her little display will set them on the right path to supporting the wedding. Luckily for her, the hardest person to convince is a few hundred miles away in Vienna. 

To Deceive A DukeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin