"But you are!" He said and I wanted to strangle him.

"Ah you little shit! I don't know how poor Park deals with you all day." I said turning on the tv.

"He loves me just like you do!" Said Lam snatching the control remote from my hand.

"You my friend are not allowed to search what to watch! I don't want to watch another k-drama." He said.

"Oh don't come at me with that bullshit you enjoyed it too!" I said smacking his head. He finally put on a movie an action one. We both started watching to kill time. Lam stopped watching half way and started using his phone.

"If you don't like it you can change it." I said looking at Lam.

"It's not that! This fucker is messing with me! I told him I was staying here today because I was mad. Do you want to know what he said?" He asked but before I could respond he continued talking. "He said I could stay here the whole weekend since I'm being childish." He said and I burst out laughing.

"Oh Forth definitely told him to say that!" I said and Lam glared at his phone.

"Oh they are both paying for that!" Said Lam. "Come on you are helping me!" He said getting closer to me. "Lets make them both jealous." Said Lam.

"You are a trouble maker. But I'm in what do we do?" I asked.

"Lets take a picture cuddling and send it to them." Said Lam and I couldn't help but chuckle. Lam came closer and leaned against me. I wrapped an arm around him and rested my head on his shoulder. Lam winked at the camera. He took the photo and quickly send it to Park with a text. "Fine by me I have Beam around to keep me company. Who knows maybe I will end up falling for him instead. He certainly treats me good." After sending the text he turned off his phone.

"Are you trying to get us both killed! At this rate we are both going to end up sleeping in the streets tonight." I said wondering what Forth may think of the photo. Thats when my phone started ringing. I gulped.

"Ah look what you did! He's probably mad." I said before answering the phone.

-Get away from Lam!- he said and I rolled my eyes.

-Suits you right for telling Park to say such stupid things.- I said and I swear I could hear him pout.

-You two always side with each other! Sometimes I question whether you like him more than me.- whined Forth.

-You don't have to question yourself I like him more.- I said and I heard Forth growl and Lam widened his eyes.

"Shit I'm dead when he gets here fix it." whispered Lam who was standing next to me hearing my conversation I rolled my eyes now he's scared right?

"Because I don't like you, I love you." I said and I could see Lam making a puking face beside me. I kicked him on the leg lightly but since it was unexpected he fell. I couldn't control my laughter.

"Are you two about to fight again?" Said Forth and I was already running for my life.

"Yeah come save me if you still want to have a wife tomorrow because I made him fall." I said between laughs and Forth sighed.

"You two act like children when you are together." Said Forth but I could hear him turning on his bike. He should be here soon since the University is like a five minute drive.

"Come here you little shit! Just let me hit you once you deserve it!" said Lam chasing me but I wasn't budging. I grabbed a pillow from the couch hitting him in his face when I throw it.

"I will kill you Beam Baramee." He said but I just kept running. He managed to hit me once with a pillow but I threw it back at him hitting him in the chest so he basically did nothing. I heard the door open and I hid behind Forth.

"You skipped todays meeting for this." Said Forth to Lam who smiled sheepishly.

"He started it." Said Lam.

"What are you five?" Asked Forth annoyed.

"Fine act like that lets see who will help you went you two fight." Said Lam walking away. When he looked back I stuck out my tongue at him. I looked at Forth who was looking at me with a straight face.

"I love you?" I said smiling at him and he couldn't stay mad for long smiling too.

"I love you too." He said dropping a kiss.

"Where's Park?" I asked walking to the kitchen following Forth.

"Probably when to his apartment to continue sulking." He said and that seemed to catch Lams attention.

"Whatever he deserves it." Said Lam when we both noticed he was hearing our conversation and turned to look at him.

"Just go home I know you missed him too don't make him sad." I said and he stood up.

"For the record I'm leaving because I want to not because you made me feel guilty." Said Lam standing up and we both rolled our eyes.

"Whatever just leave." Said Forth and Lam gave him the finger before walking out. "Is everything set for tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I cleaned everything we just need to keep everything tidy today and order some food tomorrow." I said and he nodded.

"Seems easy enough. Phana and Kit are coming right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah also Wayo and Ming too." I said.

"Ok then I'm going to take a shower I'm tired. I just want to lay down with you on our bed and cuddle you." He said walking to the bathroom.

"I will lock the doors and wait for you in our room then." I said. After I closed the door I got us some snacks and headed to our room.

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