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Kuroo and Bokuto were making their way out of their last class of the day. Bokuto held Kuroo's hand, practically dragging him off the campus. Sometimes Kuroo couldn't help but wonder if Bokuto was a leash kid when he was younger. He was almost 100% confident that he was. Bokuto simply had too much energy for anyone to handle.

"Bo, where are we going?"

This finally caused him to stop. Apparently, he realized he forgot to indulge his company on where they were going. Kuroo couldn't help but sigh and shake his head even if there was a smile across his face.

"We're going to visit Akaashi," Bokuto said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kuroo had a good idea about who Akaashi was since he was all that Bokuto could talk about for the last few days. Although, it was more than Akaashi. Apparently, Akaashi also had a boyfriend. Kuroo wasn't sure who it was though. According to Bokuto, he had only briefly seen him while walking through the gallery. All they knew was that he painted.

Kuroo nodded in understanding. They continued their walk down the sidewalk to wherever Akaashi was. The weather was relatively nice since it was the middle of the day. Kuroo's stomach was beginning to growl at him. Bokuto seemed to notice the noise as well, stopping his tugging once again.

"We could grab some food if you're hungry. Oh, we can bring a bit for Akaashi and his boyfriend too."

Bokuto really was a special breed finding a way to work things around to please everyone involved. This way, they could get food while also bringing something for the two strangers. It sounded like a decent plan to Kuroo. So, they changed direction a bit to make their way to a convenience store. Once inside, they grabbed a few snacks that looked good.

Sure it wasn't exactly a healthy lunch or really much of a lunch at all, but it did look appetizing. Especially for Kuroo who hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Bokuto almost always had some form of snack on him so he was usually pretty content hunger-wise.

After paying they made their way out of the convenience store. Kuroo held onto one of the bags and Bokuto held onto the other two. Kuroo rummaged through his bag and pulled out two Yakisoba buns. He was practically drooling as his stomach growled a bit more. He unwrapped it and shoved it in his mouth humming at the taste. They walked and ate talking a bit between bites of food until they reached their final destination.

They walked into the rather large building that sat between two larger buildings. They were in a slightly big city so almost all the buildings were quite high. The gallery wasn't modern though it still had a dark Victorian feeling to it. That made sense though since it was an art gallery. Bokuto walked inside as if he had been there hundreds of times. Kuroo knew that he had only been there about three times though.

When they walked through and made their way into the back there was suddenly a wall of windows. Most of the blinds were closed cutting off the view to the other side. They walked a bit more and were exposed to the one window that was slightly open. All they could see was a half blond boy sitting and painting. Without any hesitation, Bokuto rushed through the door. Both of the older boys' eyes widened and Bokuto just about dropped his bags from the store.

On the other side of the now wide open door, was an almost fully naked Akaashi sprawled out over a random couch. The older boys made eye contact with the younger boy on the couch. He got up turning the other way and quickly made his way over to the stack of folded clothing.

"Uh haha excuse us. We brought you both some food." Kuroo said, scratching just behind his ear averting his eyes from the changing boy. Nothing in the room was easing the rush going through his veins. On one hand, there was a beautiful boy that had nothing on except his briefs, and the other boy's eyes were drilling into him scowling.

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