She tried striking up a conversation (after a bit of prep talk to herself) but he just turned away and left without another word. (Y/n) internally cried after being rejected and left at the spot.

"I think Giyuu-nii-san hates me," the girl sulked, lying hopelessly on the floor with no plans to get up.

"That makes two of us." Hiro sighed, picking up a pillow from his make shift bed and tossing it at his sister. "What are you even doing in my room?"

"Sulking," she replied, lying her head down on the pillow, sighing into it. "What should I do about Giyuu-nii-san, nii-san?"

"Wow, now you consider me your brother." He rolled his eyes. "But I think you should give him some time, let him adapt first and then try to approach him again."

"Alright, I will." She sighed into the pillow. "I need something to cheer me up, do you think there's a place where I can get a nice drink right now?"

"Well, now that you mention it, there is a café nearby."

"Nice. I'll get you a drink on the way back."


(Y/n) stood in front of the counter of the café, waiting for her drink to be ready as she admired the interior. It had a nice and quiet ambience to it so she was definitely thinking of going back to this place. Plus, it's close to where her school which she'll be attending in two weeks, so it'll be nice having a usual hangout spot.

"Fucking thief!"

She took it back, maybe she'd go here but not that often.

There was someone yelling their brains out behind her and she looked at the barista who only heaved a sigh.

A regular, maybe? (Y/n) concluded from the look on the barista's face. Either that, or a lot of fights happen here to the point the barista is used to it. Though she just hopes that whoever that man yelling in the back didn't come to the café and yell at a normal basis.

How odd, (Y/n) thought to herself as she kept hearing the voice of the man yelling getting louder. Was it perhaps the person behind her who may have stolen something? Either way, it wasn't any of her business and she didn't feel like getting in the middle of the drama. Normally she'd be itching to see the sort of drama this would play out but she's feeling down and is in need of a pick-me-up.

She was dead wrong however when the voice stopped behind her and violently tapped her shoulder.

Irritated and nursing her aching shoulder, she turned around to face the white haired man who she had to look up to because he was taller (not only did she have to deal with an aching shoulder but also an aching neck soon).

"Yes?" she asked. She had no idea what his business was with her but hoped her drink was finished soon so she could leave.

"You know what you fucking did," he spat, arms crossed righy in front of her as she was only left to wonder what she could have done to make this guy mad.

"I ordered a drink?" she hesitantly replied. After thinking about what she could have possibly done to make this man mad, that was the only thing she could have thought of.

Is he mad I ordered iced coffee? (Y/n) furrowed her brows. Could such a petty person like that even exist?

"Don't play fucking games with me." He glared. "Give it back and I'll forget about what happened."

So it's not the iced coffee, (Y/n) sighed in relief.

"Excuse me but I have no idea what you're talking about," she replied, glancing behind her to see even the barista was getting concerned.

"Enough with your lies," he snarled, grabbing her by the collar and lifting her above the ground, this action causing her to slightly choke. "Just give the damn thing back."

A pick-me-up indeed, though (Y/n) would have preferred her drink instead.

At this point, even the barista was getting involved, yelling at the man in front of her to stop what he was doing. But it didn't seem to have much affect on the man.

"Shinazugawa-san! That's not my ring!"

Ring? She questioned in her head but the only ring she could think of was the ring she was wearing and she didn't steal that. She could be sure of that much

Though, after that voice, she was dropped to the floor, coughing as she looked up and glared at the white haired male.

Whoever this Shinazugawa person is, (Y/n) was sure he is the type of person to act on impulses and feelings.

Still, she was thankful for whoever called out to the man. That sure saved her from losing consciousness.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up and was immediately met with a familiar pair of mint green eyes.

New Beginnings ✩ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now