Chapter 22: It All Came Crashing Down

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"You're officially under arrest!" I shrieked angrily, pointing my lightsaber to her throat. "Show yourself!"

A slow, mounting cackle emerged from the figure's pursed lips. 

"Ah, Master Skywalker. What a pleasure to see you." She lifted her hood gingerly. 


She leaned against the wall, and I jabbed at her neck, pleased to see a slight wince. 

"You shall pay." I growled darkly. 

She raised her hand, readying herself to Force-retrieve the blaster.

"Don't you da-

She fired at me and I easilt deflected it, but she wasn't trying to fight. She watched coolly as it flew into a pillar, which collapsed.

In a fit of rage I ignored the pillar and rushed at her, which she didn't expect. I redirected the sandy debris from the pillar at her, and blinded Kina.

"Obi-Wan!" I shouted. "Throw me the cuffs!"

A pair of silver Force-binders flew at me, and I caught it as she stumbled from the pain. With a nimble pounce I pinned Kina down and locked her hands.

"Where. Is. Ahsoka?" I hissed venomously. 

"Not telling! She deserves to rot in hell."

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" I screamed furiously, igniting my blade, and shoving it close to her throat. She gulped fearfully.

"O-outside of the restaurant." She whispered shakily. I threw her to Obi-Wan and raced outside, finding an unconscious Ahsoka leaned against the restaurant.

Instantly, insane guilt consumed me.

You should've done better. You could have noticed the signs.

I checked her pulse. It was weak, and steadily fading.

You're a horrible master.

I must get her back to Coruscant. Before she may be gone forever...


"Pulse?" I asked for the eighteenth time.

"Steady, but weak." The healer replied tightly.

Ahsoka had been in the ER for only five minutes and I was already panicking, again. What if she didn't make it? What would happen? I felt lightheaded, angry, and mostly, guilty. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my former master.

"Anakin." He sighed. "I know it might be difficult to accept, but..."

"She's not dead!" I protested. He sat there awkwardly.


"Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi." A voice called. "You have been invited to witness Youngling Velakina Cherrero's trial."

I grinded my teeth resentfully. That ungrateful wretch's name triggered me whenever I heard it. I stormed to the large room, where a slightly bruised, blonde-haired girl stood before the Council. She was surrounded by four temple guards, and her arms were in binders. Her clothing was covered in dust and dirt, and she looked dejectedly at the ground. The sight of her made me want to beat the kriff out of her.

"The witnesses have recorded proof of the encounter?" The chancellor asked lightly.

"Indeed." Mace Windu nodded gravely.

"Do we have a motive?"

"Not yet." 

"Then let the defendant speak."

The temple guards formed a semicircle around Kina as she advanced nervously. She looked up, and... sighed?

"For ages I was abused as a child. All I knew was violence. Blood. Gore. I taught myself basic first aid as a 3-year old, something no one should experience. Every night there was glass. Screams. My stomach was always empty, and so was I. To me, life was evil. It wasn't even worth living." She looked down, and tears were in her eyes. "Then, both my parents died in a speeder accident. The Jedi investigated the incident because one of their fellow members was mildly injured- her name was Luminara, I believe? They saw I was force sensitive, but at that age it was much too late to train me. The senator of Raarsis, Adika, and her husband, Tay Ran, were very rich; they wallowed in their fraudulent wealth, under a duplicitous mask. They saw potential in me, and adopted me. Using their influence, they persuaded the Senate and eventually the Council to train me. They thought using a future Jedi could bring glory and honour, those fools. Adika was abusive. She wanted great things; and if I wasn't the top, then I would receive hours of ... let's describe it as 'verbal hell'. Then in comes Ahsoka. Easily loved by the Jedi, easily top, easily taken as a Padawan- and not only that, but apprenticed to the Chosen One. So then, why wouldn't I stop her? I had to go to great lengths to make sure I pleased the shit-talkers, that I should have never called my parents."

She spat the later part with a hateful fury. There was an air of uncertainty, and I could feel sympathy coursing through the people listening.

"She abused, beat, and hurt my Padawan for so many years!" I shouted vengefully. "Just because she was abused, doesn't mean she gets any right to hurt others. She's guilty! What more do you need?"

The Council nodded in agreement, and muttered a bit. After some heated discussion, Chancellor Palpatine came forward and adjusted the microphone to face him.

"A decision has been made." He announced. "Guilty. As for the punishment..."

I tensed.

"Life in prison with parole." 

I sighed in relief, but still felt somewhat indignant towards the fact that she was getting parole. Hell, the kriffin' criminal should have gotten the death sentence.

Still, I was content. I made my way back to Ahsoka. With slow steps, perhaps there would be recovery.

Author's note: We're almost at the end! This is close to the last chapter. Stay tuned, and thank you for reading!

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