Chapter 16: Time is Ticking

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Ahsoka scanned over the diagnosis. 

"Sepsis...Blood poisoning. Symptoms: fever and chills, very low body temperature, fast heartbeat, Nausea and vomiting, fatigue or weakness, and blotchy or discoloured skin. If you have three or more of them, please see a doctor immediately. Currently, there is no stockpile of medicine on this ship." She whispered hoarsely, unable to process al the information.

"Most people can recover with good medical treatment, but it must be given immediately. Mortality rate from Sepsis shock is 40%."

The next part was the hardest to digest.

"1 in 5 people still die even with early treatment. Since you have not received early treatment, it is highly likely that if you don't receive early treatment, you will die."

Her breath hitched in her chest.

"Your Sepsis seems to be caused by extreme amount of battle wounds from torture or abuse in a Separatist base. Remember, this diagnostic may not always be 100% correct, so please see a real doctor."

She set down the data pad, unsure of what to do. She needed to get back to Coruscant, but if she left the battlefield, she would be considered a coward. Ahsoka would need to do a whole lot of explaining to the Council.

You need to find Anakin, young one. He will help you.

She rolled her eyes. "Get out of my head." She snarled. She wasn't ready to tell Anakin yet.

If you don't, you will die.

"Shut it." She muttered. She could do this... without telling him.

She ran out onto the battlefield. "Wait up!" She called.


Anakin's POV:

The kriffin' droids just kept coming. No matter how many me and the 501st cut down, more just kept pouring in. 

"Wait up!" Ahsoka called. I groaned. 

"You were supposed to stay in the ship!" I yelled, annoyed. I was not keen on my Padawan fighting when she was injured.

"I need to go back to Coruscant!" She said. 

"Why?" I asked, mystified. Why would she need to go back there? We were in the middle of a heated battle, if she didn't notice already.

"Well--uh...They ran out of medicine on the ships and I need to...uh... go back to heal." She stuttered.

Immediately, I was concerned. What injury was so bad or so untreatable that even the expense med droids couldn't help her?

"Okay, we are going back immediately. Ahsoka, board that ship over there and lie down." I ordered. "Rex, bring some clones to accompany her. As soon as you get to Coruscant, you better tell me what's happening and why you need treatment there."

She nodded meekly and ran to the ship. 

I continued to kill droids, protecting her path to the ship, but as Ahsoka neared the it, her eyes widened. She whispered someone along the lines of "Vina" or "Kina". I looked back, but didn't see anything unusual. However, before she could get on the ship, it blasted off and landed far away. 

I was starting to panic. Ahsoka needed medical help and nothing was working. Suddenly, I spotted a group of idle ships, where the one we were trying to board had landed.

"Take that ship!" I shouted.

"What? Where?" She asked, surprised.

I pointed and she nodded gratefully, dashing there. I watched her silhouette disappear in the golden, setting sun.

I hope she makes it back in time. I can't bear to lose her.

Dark Past: Abuse- Anakin & AhsokaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora