Chapter 10: Nightmares

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Kina stormed out of the room to her dorm, where she sank into her soft bed. Her mind felt unsteady. It ached and her arms and stomach were sore.

"Velakina, I want to drink... I love you... Go on the street and beg for some money since your father won't give me enough to buy a pint."

Her mother.

"Velakina! If you don't get out of there I'll beat you more! You know I hate it when you beg, you filthy idiot!"

Her father.

Her heart thudded at the thought of that monster, whom she had suffered under until the age of five. 

Her heart pounded in her chest. 

"I'll kill everyone! I'm your father, I can kill you too. Nothing is stopping me. And you're in my way, Kina. You're nothing but vile garbage, and we all know where garbage belongs. It belongs nowhere."


"Chris! You promised you would stay! I need your money- I mean, Velakina needs to grow up with a father. Are you just going to abandon us for some random Twi'lek slave girl? You're going to sacrifice your family for lust?"

"You and your drinking habits mean nothing to me, Reula. You and your pitiful daughter. Some wife you are. Get lost."


"So, let me clarify. You want to foster Velakina?"

"Yes, indeed."

"She will have a great future under such prestigious guardianship."


"Everyone has a master already. How about you? Can't even have a normal Jedi teach you without extreme frustration. Not even the patient Master Yoda would want you. What would all my friends say? What a failure. You don't deserve me as your mother!"

"You're not my mother. My real mother abandoned me, and you only want me because the Jedi want me."

Her heartbeat quickened to an unbearable rate. 


"Don't you talk back! We loved you, and we fostered you, and this is how you treat us?"

"Stop it!" Kina screamed, tears falling uncontrollably down her face. She slammed her fist into the metal door, denting it. She pushed the memories out of her mind, wanting to grind anyone she could find to pieces. She knew her "parents", who sent her expensive gifts to motivate her, didn't truly love her. They were just there because they believed that if they had connections to a potential Jedi, they could rise in social status. 

"I hate you, Ahsoka! It's all because of you that my foster parents hate me! I hate you, I hate you!" The tears splashed down Kina's ruddy cheeks. The sunlight filtered through the creamy white blinds, showering rays of golden light onto the bed. Her face glistened with moisture.


Ahsoka walked to the mess hall, looking for a good place to sit. Now that she didn't have to put up with as many classes due to her responsibilities as a padawan, she didn't have to deal with her classmates.

"Commander." A clone saluted. Ahsoka jumped, then smiled embarassedly in response. She still wasn't used to being referred to as a 'commander'.  She sat down next to Anakin, who grinned at her.

"I got you some extra rations since we're going on a new mission." He said cheerfully.

"Already?" She groaned, feeling extremely sore from the beatdown from a few weeks ago, as well as the extra missions.

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