Chapter 5 - Stoned With Schlatt

Start from the beginning

"You seem upset.." Schlatt asked, not even breaking the hug. Wilbur got confused for a minute.

"How do you figure?"

"I can tell by the way you're hugging me. We've been best friends since we were like what, 7? Think I won't notice?"

Wilbur chuckled, and they parted their hug. Schlatt opened his window, allowing the hotbox to fade. They closed the door and sat on Schlatt's bed.

Schlatt immediately handed Wilbur his vape. Wilbur kept his stuff here so he couldn't get caught with it at home, which Schlatt completely understood. Wilbur put it up to his lips, and breathed in the smoke.

He held it in for a few seconds, before releasing it into the room. The scent of strawberry-banana contradicted the small of Schlatt's blunt. They both kept inhaling their perspective form of nicotine, and blowing it into the room.

"So.... what's goin' on..? You're stressed."

Wilbur nodded slowly, taking another hit from the fruity drug.

"I um... don't laugh... but the new one scares me a bit... I can see it in his eyes, Schlatt,, he's angry..! He's full of fear and rage, you know what that does to a person.... you know what it does to adopted people.."

Wilbur broke the eye contact he had with the other. Schlatt nodded, understanding. The first time Schlatt had saw Wilbur break down... it was something..

They were 8, and Schlatt was walking to a hide-out they had. It was an abandoned shed with an underground room they found in the woods. Before they got their hands on nicotine, this is where Schlatt went.

He had shown Wilbur it, doing a small tour of the place he used as his getaway. He touched it up, but the underground room was still boring. It had cement walls and floor, with nothing but an old rug in the middle. There was broken glass, but that was from Schlatt. He would throw plates or bottles or glass cups at the cement walls, let out some rage.

He let the other know he could go in at any time to calm down if he needed. 

Schlatt walked in, a couple of glass plates in hand. however, when he walked into the shed, he heard a sob come out from the stairs that led to the 'basement.' Schlatt cautiously walked down the stairs, and sucked in a breath through his teeth.

There was his best friend, tears falling down his face, choking on his own sobs, facing the wall with his head between his fists and forearms, and leaning against the concrete. Schlatt saw holes in the wall, and blood covering Wilbur's hands. The carpet was slightly folded over itself, like he had been on the ground.

There was blood in the holes and an the ground, initially showing Wilbur bled in impact. Schlatt carefully put down the plates. Even at 8 years old, he knew he had to play this right.


Wilbur's head snapped over, his eyes wide, full of rage, and tears. He backed up, his back against the wall now.

"What- what- back up-" Wilbur spoke, shaking. Schlatt held his hands up, and slowly inched forward, making his moves predictable. The half-ram boy got in front of Wilbur, and the taller brunette tried shoving passed.

Schlatt very quickly grabbed Wilbur's wrist in panic, causing Wilbur to flinch and shove his opposite hand harshly in Schlatt's face. The kid slightly stumbled back, still keeping a grip on Wilbur. Schlatt pulled him into a hug, his nose bleeding from impact.

Wilbur tried pushing Schlatt away, anger filling his broken sobs.

"G-GET THE HELL OFF OF.. OFF OF M-..Me.. get off of m-me-! Please get of.. of.. me." Wilbur slowly broke down more in sadness instead of anger. If Schlatt didn't hug him, he would've gotten more hurt. Wilbur already gave the other a bloody nose.. and they were 8.

Schlatt was snapped out of the memory, looked at Wilbur take another hit. Schlatt raised his hand, placed it on Wilbur's shoulder, and pulled him into a hug.

"It doesn't help that the lady made him seem so horrible.. said he was in 'nd out for 'what felt like hundreds of times.' I know he's probably not some bad kid but... I don't know.." Wilbur hugged back tightly.

"I just need this high."

"I know."

So Schlatt rolled another blunt, and handed it to Wilbur, while he stood to get the bong ready. He was going to get high out of his mind. Good. He lit the blunt, and put t up to his lips.

Wilbur inhaled the smoke, before blowing it out moments later. With every hit there was a small wave of calmness that coursed through his mind. He sighed, watching Schlatt come back to the bed with a bong in his hand. 

Schlatt hit first, and passed it to Wilbur. Wilbur hit, then passed it back. That cycle continued for a while. Wilbur sighed, looking at the blankets he was sitting on, staring in thought.

'If dad could see me now. He'd be so disappointed.'

He wiped away that thought, as he took another hit. Smoke filled his lungs, and left as fast as it entered. His nerves calmed down, and he gave a small smile to his best friend. 

"We're gonna need eye drops by tonight."


1459 words

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