P.2 | How they asked you out

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Henry Bowers:
- Pretty easy and simple *sarcasm*
- Found out your address through threatening school staff.
- He knocked on the door and you answered to which you slammed it again.
- Ran to all the windows only to get there in time for you to lock them.
- He eventually found a way in through the basement doors on the side of your house.
- Wasn't necessarily 'asking you out', it was more of a threat.
^ "I know where your mom/dad works and don't think I'm too scared to hurt them because I swear to god, if you say no, they'll be fucking dead when you wake up one day."
- It was more of a hostage situation
- Heard about what he had done to the new kid, so he wasn't lying.
- Said yes out of pure terror and now it's like Stockholm syndrome.

Patrick Hockstetter :
- Hiding from Patrick because of the fridge incident.
- At the end of school, you hid and locked yourself in the bathroom.
- Heavy footsteps entered
- Each stall opened one by one
- It got your stall and you saw his boots from underneath the door.
- He started banging violently on the door whilst you cried.
^ "Come on baby, open the door. I just want to talk to you."
- You refused to which he kicked the door open and pulled you off of the toilet and held you on the wall with his hand wrapped around your neck.
- He was laughing at your desperate face and body trying to clamber away.
^ He had STANK breath
- He didn't really 'ask' he just said that you're his S/O now.
- You couldn't say no as he covered your mouth and forcefully moved your head to nod with a close flame of a lit match held near your face.

Belch Huggins:
- You were dropping off a rusted old bike that you didn't use anymore at the junkyard.
- After throwing your bike onto an old car, you started to walk back.
- Belch jumped out of nowhere.
- Obviously screamed and were near enough mortified.
- He howled in laughter as he flung his meaty arm around your shoulder.
- You eventually started laughing at his contagious wheezing.
- Both recollected yourselves and sat down for a little chit chat.
- Out of nowhere, once again, Belch grabbed ahold of your hand and asked you out.
^ "Listen, this is going to sound crazy and I don't care if you decline. But I've been thinking about you for a long time, a long enough time to know that I think I like you. Genuinely. So, if you want to, maybe we could go out together some time?"
- You were warmed by this and said yes.
- Cheesy, I know, but at least you're not being threatened to have your skull crushed in with a baseball bat like Glenn.

Victor Criss:
- It was through a letter.
- He thought that, after scaring you off at Paramount theatre, you'd be too anxious to meet him face to face.
- He dedicated 2 hours of his bed time to perfect a rather short letter.
- Posted it through to your house and ran to hide behind a bush in front of your house, biting the skin around his fingers nervously.
^ "To Y/N,
This is more likely going to sound absolutely bat- shit crazy, especially after our little interaction.
I've been wondering and wondering about you for quite a long time, a longer time than any other person I caught feelings for. I would like to get to know more about you and you, me. Maybe we could hang out sometime? Like a little date? If your answer is yes, meet me at the Quarry."
- The answer was in fact yes but you were weary of meeting up, alone.
- He waited at the quarry for a few hours before slowly coming to terms that you probably didn't want to.
- He got up but saw you walking cautiously towards him.
- He smiled, talked a little and now you're planning a date together.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
- Xavier

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