chapter 6

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This chapter has some bullying in it and I think, one bad word. I don't know how to write bulling scenes so bear with me. Is that the right 'bear' to use? Life is hard I swear.


"Stop, please. I have to get home" This definitely wasn't what Y/N expected her day to be like when she finished the school day.

Sure, Y/N had gotten threatened to be beaten up, but no one ever actually beat her up before.

She never thought that being quirkless was this big of a deal. Why do they care that Y/N is quirkless? They aren't the ones who have to live everyday being quirkless, so why were they beating her up?

Bullying was something Y/N would never understand. She knew that people didn't like themselves, because she didn't even like herself, but why did they have to beat others up and say such bad things about people.

"You're such a useless freak!!" Girl one, who Y/N didn't know, pushed Y/n harshly into one of the walls in the girls bathroom, again.

At this rate, Y/N was going to be late for her training with Deku.

"Oh my god wait! Give me her books!" Girl one took Y/N's books from the floor as girl two kicked Y/N stomach, making her topple over into her knees.

"Oo, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh you know it!"

The two girls laughed as Girl one threw Y/N's books into one of the toilets. "You won't be needing these anymore if your dead!"

"I hope that this makes you think before you go around acting like you aren't quirkless, you freak!"

"Yeah, go die!! You better hope for a quirk in your next life!"

What these girls were saying, was going to stick with Y/N for the rest if her life.

The two girls laughed as Girl two grabbed Y/N's school bag, "What do we have here? Hmm?"

"Don't touch that!" Y/n tried to stand up to run over to girl two but girl one grabbed her grabbed her arm and yanked her down.

"oof-... ow"

"So this is that little book you always carry around. It would be a shame if someone were to ruin it."



The girl threw Y/N's now torn up note book at her, "Awe, thats too bad."

"You better not tell anyone about this, or I'll kill you!"

"Come on, let's go!"

How was Y/N going to explain to Deku why she was late. She didn't want to tell Deku about this, the two girls seemed serious.

Maybe if she walked slow enough, her stomach and back would stop hurting.


"Pretty girl?" About five minutes passes when Dame walked into the girls bathroom.

She didn't expect to she Y/N on the ground frantically patting her books down with paper towels while crying.

"Please Dame, leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." Of course Y/N wasn't in the mood to be yelled at right after being beaten up.

Dame looked at the girl and sighed.

"I– urm, I– just come here!" Dame sat down on the floor in front of Y/N and pulled the crying girl into her arms. "Its okay, I'm here. I won't leave you."

Y/N started to cry even more, she was embarrassed and in pain. She couldn't believe one of her bullies were comforting her.

Dame rubbed Y/N's back and placed her head on top of Y/N's, "I'll help you clean yourself up, okay? Then I'll walk you to where you need to go."

Y/N will remember how Dame helped her instead of laughing at her.

"Thank you Dame."

"Come on Pretty Girl, let's get you cleaned up."


Y/N was basically glued onto Dames side, she was to scared that if she let go her arm, then she'd fall and embarrass herself even more.

"Why are we going to Pro Hero Deku's agency?"

"Well-I- I'm not supposed to tell anyone why..."

Dame glanced down at the girl, "Eh, dont worry about it. Nevermind." Dame wasn't going to force Y/n to tell her why.

"Thanks for walking me."

"Its no problem. "


Dame walked into Pro Hero Deku's agency still with Y/N glued to her arm, not that she minded. "Are you go to talk to him? I could help you over to wherever he is."

Y/N looked up Dame, "Yeah, um he actually right there. He just left the elevator– oh um, now he's looking at us. Is that Pro Hero Dynamight?" 

Dame only let out a small laugh and and stated to pull Y/N towards the two Pro Heros. "I won't tell them what happened, so don't worry about that."

"Thank you Dame, you really are the best."

"L/N, are you okay? What happened?"

Y/N glaced at Dame and looked back at Deku, "Well i- urm.. I feel."

Deku blinked, "You have a black eye though."

Dame sighed, "she feel into a door and her eye rammed into the door knob. She's okay, but it made her a little wobbly. The nurse said for her to take it easy."

Dame looked at Y/N, "You better listen to that old nurse. I'm pretty sure she knows what she's talking about."

"Yeah, yeah," Y/N mumble, "I'll listen to Nurse Ciz."

"I have to get home pret-err, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Alright," Y/N slowly let go of Dame, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Before Y/N fully let go of Dame, she made sure Y/N was standing steadily, "okay, see you later."

As Dame walked away, Deku turned his attention from Dame to Y/N, "L/N, what really happened?"

"I already told you, I fell."

Deku sighed, "well, why don't you go up to my office. We'll take a break today since your nurse wants you to rest. We'll focus of studying today."

Y/N nodded and waddled her way to the elevator. His office is on the eighth floor, right?

She'll find out.

"Thanks for coming to the meeting today, Kacchan."

Bakugo groaned, "Your still using that stupid nickname? But always, who's that kid?"

"Thats L/N," Midorya smiled, "I'm training her to become a hero!"

Bakugo kinked his eyebrows, "Yeah, okay Shitty-Deku. I'm leaving, I have things to do."

"See you later Kacchan"

Now to talk to Y/N. He had to get the truth out of her.

I'm working on Y/N's hero costume right now, I'm not a good drawer so it's going to look kind of funny.

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