P.1 | How you met

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Starting off with the basics

Henry Bowers:
It was the end of school and you were sitting on the west entrance steps smoking a cigarette, waiting patiently for a close friend of yours to finish her punishment due to vandalising the bathrooms.
You were in another dimension when someone harshly shoved your shoulder out of the way. Looking up, confused, you found the grim and sinister features of Henry Bowers. He smiled widely, showing his yellowed teeth, dirty blonde mullet and pink leather jacket.
"Do you mind?" Throwing your cigarette to the ground and stamping it out, you stood up and begun walking back up the stairs. You didn't get far as Henry tugged your backpack towards him, making you almost fall down the stairs, only to land in his chest. His dirty, calloused hand pinched your cheek as he smirked, "Not really." For only two words said, the words sounded aggressive and stung your head with aching pain of danger. He pushed you forward as you gripped onto the hand railing.
Turning back around, he was already walking down the stairs towards a giggling Victor. Seeing the back of his head like that, so bare you could just throw a rock at it. He glared back up at you and you reciprocated the action, "I'll see you around darlin'." Was the last words that left his lips as he spat on the step beneath your feet; he slowly walked away.
Yeah...see you around...

Patrick Hockstetter:
It was a Saturday afternoon, the sun was blazing and you were listening to music on your Walkman. Taking a short detour through wooded areas to get back home was near therapeutic. The oh so faint sounds of birds through guitar solos, the sun slightly making your skin tickle, the textured ground of twigs and leaves beneath your feet. It was your battery, it charged you and made you feel safe.
All that was disturbed as a putrid smell invaded the air surrounding you, a strong smell of rotted meat and fecal matter made you gag and waft the air in front of your face. Unfortunately, the further you walked, the more intense it got. Deciding to follow the smell, maybe guiding you to the dead body of one of the many missing kids in town, made your stomach turn. In the distance you saw a rusted refrigerator, covered in ivy and twigs. The smell grew more and more fiery every step you took towards it. You were facing the door, the opening had a dark brown substance dripping from the sides, faint red marks could be found on the silver handle and the rustling within it put you on edge.
Covering your nose with one hand and using a handkerchief in the other to open the door, you felt long fingers knock off your headphones. Large hands turned you around and you faced Patrick Hockstetter. His smile as wide as ever, nearly identical to the Cheshire Cat, he quickly backed you up to a tree next to the fridge.
"You proud at what you found?" His voice croaked and then erupted into maniacal laughter as he roughly pushed your head to the side to look at the fridge.
"Do you smell that?" He came closer to your ear and took a long whiff of the air around, shaking his head in pure ecstasy as if the smell was somewhat getting him off, "smells good, doesn't it? It smells so good, so pure." Looking up into his cold dead eyes, you pushed him off and ran, hearing Patrick's laughter behind you. Once you got further away, you looked back at him to find him faintly swaying in front of the metal box, silently worshipping it.
Not wanting to stay any long in fear of your life, you ran all the way home.

Belch Huggins:
It was your payday, it's your small job in Derry to do paper rounds and you got $5 for a weeks worth of work. It's not much but it was enough to buy a milkshake at the local diner. Holding your money proudly, you walked bubbly to get yourself a milkshake. The delicious sugared milk with whipped cream and a bright red cherry on top made your mouth water.
But your excitement at looking at your money almost cost you as a broad chest almost knocked you over. After that, the sun almost vanished as if it were a solar eclipse but looking up at the person that was casting the shadow was Belch Huggins.
Belch Huggins, although only being in his mid teens was at an astonishing height of 6'4, making him the tallest out of Henry's group of goons. Adding onto the fear factor, he was also built like a tank. Shoulders bulked wide, chest the size of a coffee table and arms the width as a grown man's leg; don't even get started on his physical strength.
As your vision got clearer you stared at the behemoth of a teenager, his cap backwards and eyebrows furrowed and a look of disgust.
"I think you better pay attention to where you are going." He's voice boomed and shook you more.
He gazed at your small frame and smirked, lifting his arm up to turn around his cap.
"Well I be damned haha, you really are a sweet piece of eye candy, aren't ya?" He observed your features of confusion and laughed. He stood to the side, letting you pass. You walked passed him and you hard a loud wolf whistle behind you. Turning back around to confront him with his harassment, he was already walking away to his beloved car, glancing back at you and winking.

Victor Criss:
You were sitting in Paramount Theatre watching A Nightmare on Elm Street, you had arranged to meet up with some friends but they all had to bail out for personal issues. So instead of staying inside with nothing to do, you went to the cinema on your lonesome. It didn't bother you much as you preferred to be left alone, talking and any other form of social interaction really does a number on you.
You sat in the blacked out room with your eyes glued to the illuminated screen, shovelling popcorn into your mouth. The sounds of screams were blurred out over the sounds of someone slurping their slurpy next to you.
It irritated you to the point where you just wanted to break their nose. It's as if your prayers of silence had been answered when a harsh voice spoke up.
"Move your ass or I'm gonna hand it to you." Looking over to the seat next to you, the person grabbed their belongings and shot up in a panic.
Looking at the face that gave orders was a bleach blonde, slim and short boy. You couldn't quite decipher who exactly who it was until they sat down. Victor Criss, supposedly the only one in Henry's group with an ounce of morals and intelligence.
You shot your face back towards the screen to avoid getting in any form of trouble with him. Making sure your movements were slow, you tried to grab some popcorn before the entire pot was snatched from you.
"Hey, you bastard, give that back." Looking over at Victor, was a face of shock which eventually turned into a grin.
"You've got a potty mouth, haven't you?" He wiggled himself more into the seat and put his legs up on the chair in front of him. Scared you've got yourself in trouble, you stood up to try and leave but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down to the seat.
He laughed at your miserable attempt.
"Calm down, dude." He winked at you, still grasping onto your wrist. Not wanting to be within the presence of him, your tugged your arm back and jumped over the remainder of chairs behind you to the exit. As you were climbing over the chairs, Victor faintly started calling your name.

Not sure if this is the best start, did this at 4 in the morning but oh well.
- Xavier

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