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I sighed as me and Hope(Pic above) cleaned off the tables after the lunch rush.

I looked at the time to see it was 1:30 meaning I had only three hours left until I got off and could go home, but I guess luck wasn't on my side today.

I saw Mr.Nixon enter the restaurant and look around and stopped when his eyes landed on me. I held in a groan as he walked over to me and Hope.

He put on a fake grin and said "Just the girls I wanted to see!"

I said "What can we do for you Mr.Nixon?'

He said "Well two of my workers called in sick today so I was wondering if you two would mind taking their shifts?"

We nodded and he said "Great! You two start right after this shift! Go down to the lobby Chris will meet you there and let you know what your doing!"

He left and we let out groans and looked at each other.

Hope said "I was going to hit the hills after my shift, but of course not I can't ruin his precious little daughters image of being the best girl boarder here!"

I shrugged and said "I know it's not fair he has me and you working almost all the time well everyone else works half the time that we get."

Hope looked at me and said "We could you know do it anyways..."

I looked at her and said "What do you mean?"

Hope rolled her eyes and said "Come we have been friends forever Ashlyn and I still remember little miss princess always losing to you when you where the best Ashes and still could be..."

I looked away and said "Hope leave it okay...besides I doubt Mr.Nixon will even let on the hill's if he knew it was me...he probably find a way to make sure I would never snowboard again."

Hope got a mischievous look in her eyes..i hated that look.

She said "Well what if he didn't know it was you, what if nobody knew it was you except for me though."

I gave her confused look and said "I have no idea what you are talking about."

She said "It's pretty simple you haven't boarded since you where 12 meaning all your gear is small meaning you need new one will know it is you Ash!"

I shook my  head and said "Hope no."

She said "Ashlyn come on I know your dad wouldn't want you giving up.."

I said "No."

I turned and walked away from her but not really knowing if I made the right choice or not.

-----------------------------------------Couple hours later----------------------------------------

I walked down to the main lobby to see Hope and Chris already there waiting for me.

I walked up to them and stood next to Hope who gave me the cold shoulder since I said no.

I sighed and said "So what's are job Chris?"

He said "You two are going to be the greeters for big sponsors and their boarders. Here is your uniforms." He tossed us each a bag. "They will be arriving in about ten minutes you will meet them outside wearing those coats over there here is clipboards for each of you. You both have different sponsors to greet. Now go get ready." 

We walked to the bathrooms and quickly changed. I looked at Hope and said "Fine I will do it."

She smiled and hugged me.

We left the bathroom and grabbed the coats of the racks and went outside to see buses pulling in there was Monster, Burton, Rock star, Ride, DC, Go pro, and more.

We looked at are boards than each other and smiled than went to go do are jobs hopefully not messing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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