Year 1 - Chapter 19

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"You release, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules."

"Yes sir" we all whisper in unison. Harry, Ron, and I stood in dumbledore's office, still in our tattered uniforms. the office was large and covered with paintings of past headmasters. Fawkes sat in his cage to the right of the headmaster. 

"There is sufficient evidence to have all three of you expelled."

I look up in disbelief, surely he can't expel us for saving a student?

Harry and Ron mumbled "yes sir." while I tried not to glare at the headmaster. 

"Therefore, it is only fitting that you all receive special awards for services to the school"

I felt my jaw drop, huh? I didn't dare question it.

Ron breaths a "thanks sir"

"And now mister Weasley, miss Malfoy,  if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our gamekeeper back" I hadn't even noticed that hagrid was in Azkaban.

Ron and I exit the room in silence, him holding the release papers for hagrid. I broke the awkward silence first. "Thanks, for saving my life back there"

He gave me a warm smile, "no problem. Ginny probably would have killed me if i let you get crushed anyway" we laugh together, "you should go visit her, shell want to see you"

"Are you sure?" I say, looking down at the papers

"Ya, I can handle this. You go ahead."

I smile warmly," thanks Ron"


Ginny was lying in a bed in the far left corner of the hospital wing, fidgeting with the frayed edge of her robes.

"Hey Gin," I say, standing in front of her, "you ok?"

"Leila, hi" a huge smile spread across her face "I'm ok" she moves over to the very end of the bed and hits the empty space next to her, gesturing for me to take a seat. I do and I wrap a protective arm around her. We sat there in blissful silence for a while.

Her voice was thick and strained when she finally spoke, "is it really over?"

I pull her closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder the way Draco always did with me, "it's really over"

She lets out a long shaky breath. I wonder how long she was holding in the breath. 

We sit there, unmoving. Solely enjoying the company of another.

"Madam Pomfrey wants me to stay overnight so she could monitor me sleeping patterns, make sure I get enough rest."

I look at the clock on the wall, 8:37 pm. "I'll go to our dorm and grab you some sleeping clothes."

I start to get up but she grabs my hand, "thanks Mal, for everything" and she truly meant it.

I gave her hand a small squeeze, "anytime Gin"


I was so fully captured by my thought that I didn't see the dirty house-elf until I ran into them.

"Oh shoot" I recognize the elf immediately, "sorry Dobby, are you ok? What are you doing here?"

"It's my fault, apologies master." he bowed his head before remembering that I told him to stop calling me master, "sorry, miss Leila. Other master brought me here" other master?

"Leila? What are you doing here? You should be in your common room"

My father's voice sends a chill down my spine. I slowly turn around to face him. "I-I was heading there now"

His face contorted with disdain "why are you full of filth? Did your mother teach you nothing"

I stared down at the ground, too scared of his presence to answer the question. Lucky other foot steps rush down the hall, saving me the trouble.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours" Harry hands him the diary. My eyes whipped back and forth between my father and the diary.

"Mine? I don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh I think you do, sir" Harry says, "I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day at Diagon Alley" I stared at my father in disbelief, how could he? neither of them were paying attention to me.

"You do, do you?" Father says and aggressively hands it to Dobby to hold "why don't you prove it? come, Dobby"

The house-elf does not move. Does not follow. I lift my gaze to stare at Dobby, he had opened the journal and now held... a sock. A huge smile took over my face.

"Dobby!" Lucius yells, indicating for Dobby to follow him

"Master has given Dobby a sock" the elf's creaky voice was full of amazement.

"What? I didn't give-"

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free"

Harry lifts his pant leg to show his ankle without a sock. My grin spreads even more. I made a mental note to thank Harry later, I've always hated the idea of keeping house-elves as slaves and I rather liked Doddy. 

"You lost me my servant!" Lucius yells and takes out his wand, pointing it at Harry.

I move to stop my father but Dobby steps in the way first. "You shall not harm Harry Potter"

A huge ball of blue magic shoots out of Dobbys hand, hitting father square in the chest and sending him flying backwards.

"Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter. One day soon... you are going to meet the same sticky end."  he says to Harry, slowly getting up.

He turns his gaze to me, venom in his stare. "You are a disgrace. You have chosen your side, don't come home this summer"

He turned and left without saying another word.

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