Year 1 - Chapter 15

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A million thoughts go through my head in the mere seconds it took to sprint to my dorm.

How did Harry get the journal?

What was the jornal going to do to Harry?

Could it be traced back to me and Ginny?

Ginny rested on her bed, her back pressed against the backboard as Felix napped by her feet. She was reading 'a beginners' guide to transfiguration' when she startled at my rushed entrance. The book fell closed on her lap as she stared at me, confusion in her questioning stare.

"Harry... He-" i try to catch me breath before continuing, "he has the diary"

Ginny stared at me with a blank expression, not yet processing the information I just fed her. "No, that's impossible. We got rid of it, we destroyed it" she says in debrief and denial.

"I don't know how it happened, but it did. He found it. I just saw him in the common room with it and.." I pause as I think over what he told me "he said he saw something, he asked if I saw it too but I just thought he was going crazy..."

Ginny was suddenly in front of me, panic in her eyes, "What did he say?" her voice was horse and whispered.

"A boy, in slytherin. He said that they were talking about the chamber and that someone, a girl, had died." Ginny gluped "Gin, do you know what he was talking about?"

She lifted her gaze, as it had fallen to the floor while I was explaining. She nodded her head, slow and stiffly, "His name is Tom Riddle. It's his jornal. I don't know anything about the girl and I never talked to him about the chamber but... if harrys talking to him then he could be in trouble."

"What are we going to do?"


"Are you sure about this?" I ask nervously, now standing in front of the large oak door leading to the boys dormitory.

"No" she says without hesitation, "but it's the only plan we have"

The dormitory and common room had been emptied. Everyone had left to cheer on Gryffindor as they played against Hufflepuff.

The common room looked peaceful, serene without the weight of stressed students. If my heart had not been racing with the anxiety of having to rummage through Harry's belongings to find the diary, I might have just sat on the couches, reading a good book, while the fire crackled in front of me. I almost sighed at the temptation.

"Let's get this over with. We don't know when they'll be back." i say, already pushing open the door.

We walked down a narrow hallway, very similar to the one in the girls dormitories until Ginny paused in front of a door. I stood next to her, reading the names aloud in my head. 'Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Seamus Finnaigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom.'

"Alohomora" the door swings open at my command. The dorm was much larger than Ginny and I's. It was a circular room with 5 matching beds spread apart at equal distances. The design, colours, and inventory were the same; curtains, bedsheets, and desks all identical.

"Which bed is his?" I ask, turning to ginny. She steps further into the room, glancing at objects laid around each bed.

"This one" I walked over to the bed Ginny was now scanning over. On the nightstand lay parchments with second-year potions homework scribble on it, the name 'harry' was written in the top right-hand corner of the page. On top of his trunk was a wrinkled emerald green weasley knitted sweater with a large golden H on the front.

Misplaced Malfoy  |G.W.|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن