Year 1 - Chapter 13

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"Leila" I feel hands shake me awake. "Leila" the voice says again. I open my eyes to find Ginny standing over me, gently shaking my shoulders.

"Bloody hell, Ginny. What time is it?" I groan as I wake up. I grab my wand from my nightstand and produce a whisper "lumus" illuminating both our faces.

"Early, maybe 4, I'm not entirely sure." She looked restless, her forehead was slightly sweaty and she panting.

"What wrong?" I say, sitting up in bed.

"It happened again" she whispered "I don't remember where i've been, I just know I haven't been here."

"That's impossible, we got rid of the diary," I say concerned.

"Maybe it still has a hold on me" her voice breaks and a tear slid down her cheek "Leila I'm really scared"

"Come here" I move on to make room for her.

She listens and takes a seat under the covers with me. I put a protective arm around her shoulder and stroke her hair, the way draco always did with me when I was upset. Ginny's single tear turned into sobs as I held her close. 

"You're okay. It's not your fault. I've got you"


The library was more crowded than expected.

"Maybe we should try the common room again?" I suggest

"No" she sighs "that's even busier and we need a place to study for the exams without Felix knocking over the ink again"

We moved through the rows of crowded desks passing by a group of hufflepuffs gossiping. They kept looking at a table across the room, I followed their gaze and landed on Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at a table studying. The rest of the table they accupiles was completely empty, probably due to the fact that most of the school still thought Harry was the heir of slytherin.

"Come on, I found a seat" I say, already moving to the back of the room which was significantly quieter.

We sat down on the wooden benches of the table and pulled out our books. "Merlin, have we even learned all of these?" I say looking down at our review sheet for potions. "it's like he wants us to fail"

"Geez wonder what gave you that idea" Ginny says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and pull out my potions book to begin writing notes.

I sigh, "At Least you don't have to worry about flying, you're a natural. And your brilliant in transfiguration and charms"

"Thanks" she gives me a small smile "you'll do great in charms, Flitwick said you top of the class, and you were the first one to perform defensive a charm in DADA"

I mirror her smile and go back to taking notes on the babbling beverage.


A couple hours of studying go by and the hufflepuffs start to get louder with their gossip. I caught parts of the conversation form here. They were talking about Justin, apparently, he didn't come back to the common room last night,  and Harry speaking parseltongue. I didn't have time to piece together the conversation before I notice Harry staking out of the room.

Ron and Hermione extage looks, "Should we go after him?" Hermione asks, still looking in the direction Harry left.

"He probably wants to be alone, we'll catch up later" Ron replied, begrudgingly Hermione goes back to studying.

I glanced over at Ginny,  she looked pale. "It's not him." She says so quietly I almost didn't hear her. "It's not him and the whole schools turned on him"

"It's not your fault" I reassure her. She doesn't reply.

"Let's just go back to our dorm, I can't focus over those bloody hufflepuffs." Ginny simple nods before getting up and gathering her books.

Before we could get through the door, Iris stops us. "Hey! Haven't seen you guys since that dueling club, how are you?" her blonde hair bounced on her shoulders and her cheeks were a light rosy pink shade.

"We're fine, just busy with studying," I reply for the both of us.

Iris nods, a friendly smile on her face. "Have you heard the rumors lately? Everyones saying that Harry is the one behind all the 'heir of slytherin' stuff" she bent her fingers in mock quotation when saying 'heir of Slytherin'.

"Um ya we've heard," I say "I don't believe it, I mean why would Harry do that? He saved the school last year."

"I donnu" Iris shrugs "but he can speak parseltongue which is pretty weird, anyway good luck on your exams," she says, already walking back to her large group of friends.

"Come on" I gently said to ginny. I could tell she felt guilty for what's happening to Harry and scared about what happened to her.

As Ginny and I exit the library I spot Harry standing over something. No, someone. I quickly pushed Ginny against the wall so we were out of view from Harry but still able to hear.

"What was that for-"

"Shhhh" I quickly cut her off and whisper, "look and listen"

She looks around the corner and her eyes widen as she sees Harry standing over Justin's petrified body and a vary still Nearly Headless Nick.

"Merlin" she whispers

I look back around the corner and hear someone walking toward harry.

The grumped voice of Flitch starts to speak  "Caught in the act. I'll have you out this time Potter. Mark my words" with that his footsteps retreated, already walking away.

"No, mr Flitch. You don't understand" Harry stammers to no avail.

I glance at a very confused and worried looking Ginny before turning back to Harry. Two sets of footsteps were approaching this time. Gentle steps vapiedly approached Justin's frozen body.

"Professor, I swear I didnt"

"This is out of my hand's Potter," McGonagall says from a viewpoint I can't quite see. "Mr Filch, please get Madam Pomfrey here immediately."

"Yes ma'am," Flitch says before leaving.

"Dumbledore is the one who decides what happens with you now"

McGonagall and Harry leave, Madam Pomfrey's steps already echoing from a distance.

"Oh Merlin" she Ginny under her breath

"Lets get out of here before they find us"

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