year 1- chapter 10

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"Are you staying for Christmas or going back to the manor?"

Ginny and I each lay on our beds, reading the books we had taken out of the library when Ginny had interrupted the silence. 

"I'm staying. I haven't written to my mum since I got sorted into Gryffindor. Draco sent her an owl after our fight outside the great hall. She wrote back once saying that it wasn't a big deal to her, but that my father was furious."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to think about it"

"Well, I'm staying too, no one should be alone on Christmas"

"Ginny you don't have to-" she cuts me off

"Don't try and stop me, I've already made up my mind. Besides, Ron is staying, so it's not like I won't have family around"

"Well if Ron's staying, then so is Harry" I smirk at her, she blushes

"Huh, haven't thought of that" even her ears turn pink when she blushes

"Uh-huh, course not"


Ginny and I travel down to the great hall. We spot Harry, Ron, and Hermione all sitting away from everyone else.

No, everyone else was sitting away from them, I corrected myself now approaching the table.

"This is unbelievable, people can't seriously think it was Harry behind everything, can they?" Ginny asks

"Well... I'm not saying I believe it, I don't. But we did see him speak parseltongue" she doesn't say anything.

We took seats next to Neville at the table. He was holding his remembrall, which was filled with red smoke like it usually was.

"What's the point of having this when I can never remember what I've forgotten," he says as we sit down

"Maybe it's your homework?" Ginny suggests

"No, I've already finished that," he says staring at the enchanted item in his hand.

"How about a library book, do you have any overdue library books?" Alicia Spinnet says, overhearing our conversation.

"I don't think so"

Soon enough our side of the Gryffindor table is all suggesting things they usually forget In hopes of helping Neville.

I look around the table, and then back at Neville. I chuckle as the realization hit me

"Neville, you've forgotten your robes again." as he looks around the table he sees every student in the full uniform, whereas he wasn't wearing his robes over top. his mouth opened in an 'O' shape and he blushed with embarrassment,

the red smoke subsided from the remembrall.


"Today you will learn to brew the Wiggenweld Potion. It is a powerful healing potion that can be used to heal injuries, or reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught." Snape said in his usual cold monotone voice "Turn to page 276 and follow the instructions, I expect your potions to be completed by the end of class."

I was taking out my copy of magical drafts and potions from my book bag, when Snape approaches the desk, that Ginny and I occupied in the back of the class.

"Malfoy, Weasley" he glared at us for a moment too long "you will both be switching partners"

Ginny and I exchange confused glances, none of the other students had to switch partners

"Why?" Ginny asked

"I do not need to explain myself to you. Ms. Malfoy, take a seat next to Zabini. Weasley, take a seat with Creevy."

Snape easily hated the Weasley family the most, I never truly understood why. He also treated me especially badly for no other reason than me not getting into Slytherin.

I grunted as I packed up my books and moved to the other end of the potions class where Robin Zabini sat. I heard Ginny sigh in defeat as I left.

Robin sat on the stand, his Slytherin robe perfectly set and wrinkle-free. It was only when I pulled out the empty stool next to him and took a seat did he acknowledge my presence.

His brows furrowed "What are you doing here?" the words came out meaner than he had intended. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that"

"Snape sent me here," I say, pulling out my potions book once more.

"Okay," he said, looking back at the instructions "Can you get salamander blood from the ingredients cabinet?"

He seemed cold and closed off for some reason. "Hey, are you ok-" I began

"Just get the ingredients, just because were partners today does not mean we need to be friends" he bit back

The concern soon left and was replaced with anger. I hastily got up and stocked toward the ingredients. When I reached the desk we brewed the potion in silence.

The next hour passed and the snape dismissed the class, nodding silent approval over the potions and remaining at others.

Robin packed up and left the classroom before anyone else. I moved to follow him, but by the time I had reached the door, he was already gone.

"What's his problem?" Ginny says, having notice robin leaving

"No clue"

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