Year 1 - Chapter 5

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"Ginny?" I ask in a groggy voice from waking up. I glanced at the clock, it read 2:53 am. "Ginny, what are you doing up so early?"

She had just entered the room, still in her uniform from yesterday. When she didn't reply I got out of bed "Ginny?" I asked again, grabbing her arm this time.

She jumped as if only now releasing she wasn't alone.

"Bloody Hell Leila! you scared me half to death!" she says clutching her chest as if that action alone would calm her down.

"Sorry, I called your name but you didn't answer. What are you doing out of bed? It's nearly three in the morning."

"I-I don't know" she looked around, her brows furrowed "the last thing I remember it writing in my diary, you falling asleep and then nothing"

I yawned, my eyelids feeling heavy, and I was still exhausted.

"Well, you probably fell asleep and started to sleepwalk" the reply seems to calm her down a little.

"I've never slept walked before" she states, mostly to herself.

"let's not worry about it now, you should get changed and go to sleep."

She nods and walks into the bathroom to get changed.


The summer breeze left, replaced with the autumn wind. Leafs crinkle under our feet as we walk to the clocktower courtyard and take a seat on the edge of the dried-up fountain. 

We had been excused early from History of magic so we could study for the upcoming test. Between that and potions with Snape, we both had more than enough homework.

"This potions project will be the death of us. Who would even need to know 10 pages worth of information on a standard cure for boils" I ask in annoyance. I look back at Ginny only to see she isn't paying attention.

"Gin?" I follow her gaze and land on Harry, she's been doing that a lot lately.

He was speed walking out of the defense against the dark arts classroom with Hermione and Ron. It looked like students from that class were running out from every possible exit.

"What happened there?" I asked Harry as they walked past us.

"That git Lockhart let a nest of cornish pixies out of the cage and they started attacking the student, is what happened" replied Ron.

"He is not a git!" Hermione said, clearly offended.

"Oh ya? Then why didn't he stop them himself?" She didn't have a reply to that.

The trio walked away leaving me and Ginny in the courtyard. She was still staring at Harry. I rolled my eyes, what does she even see in him?

"Ginevra Molly Weasley!" I half yell, snapping her out of her daydreams

"What? What did I miss" she says, blushing slightly. Her baffled expression makes me giggle.

"Nothing really, Maybe we should head to the library or the common room to start on our homework"

"Ok, let's go to the common room, the library will probably be crowded around this time."

Most seventh years are in the library when everyone else is in classes, mainly because they have spares.

We began making our way to Gryffindor tower passing Percy holding hands with Penelope Clearwater.

"When did that happen," I ask Ginny, referring to Percy and Penelope

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