"This is the fun part" He smiled another annoying smile before he turned around. "Everyone, your attention please!" All the angels stopped what they were doing and looked towards us. "It's been awhile since you all last saw me but I have returned and I now have a second in command!" His arm extended toward me. "I'm sure a majority of you know who this is, this is Miss Caroline Scott, and of course, Gabriel. Miss Scott here is taking on her role right now as it was meant to be, fighting for Heaven's side." His arm lowered once more, all the eyes of the angels were on Gabriel and I. This was unnerving. "You will all treat her with respect and follow her orders that she will give." After that was said and done, all the angels went back to what they were previously doing.

"So, what exactly is your plan here Metatron? As your second in command I need to know what's going on so I'm not left in the dark." I said to him as I watched the angels bustle about once more. I had to make it seem like I was purely interested and in honestly, I was but I also needed to relay this information back to Desi and Luci.

"That Miss Scott is what I was about to tell you and your guardian over there."

"He's not my-"

"I know very well what he is to you. Come on now. You too Gabriel." The both of us started following behind Metatron as he started heading off to what was an a office. "War."

"Excuse me?" I asked him after we were all in the office with the door closed. Did he just say War?

"War. That's why all those angels are here. Despite what I did, they all came here to fight in this war, much like you will be."

"You're being incredibly vague Metatron. Care to elaborate?" I asked him as I stood in front of Gabe who instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist.

"A war against Hell Miss Scott." Well then, that is certainly something to tell Luci. "I mean honestly, what are those vile creatures worth? Especially that oaf, Crowley!"

"Crowley? I thought he was the one who got you out of the bunker in the first place?"

"Yes he is but like I said, he's an oaf. He doesn't know about my plans for war, he thinks I'll help him in whatever he has planned." From when I watched the show I never exactly took Crowley as an oaf but that was different than now.

Metatron went on about his plans for this war and how he was going to go about it, when to attack all the demons he possible could and somehow, without a prophet nor the demon tablet, close the gates of Hell for once and for all. I let every bit of information seep into my brain so that when I could return back to the bunker, I could tell everything to Desi and the others.

~Lucifer's POV~

I never left Desi completely alone whenever I was gone, I was constantly keeping an eye on her. The jobs got more serious the more we went on. I hunted down a filthy demon that may know something a few days ago and now I wanted answers.

"So Fred I heard you have news for me." I loomed over the teenage boy he was possessing. I could tell he was a bit nervous which he should be.

"Aw don't be nervous as long as you tell me the truth I'll let you stay." I gave him a promising smile. He was definitely one of the newer demons.

"It's Crowley."

"Yes, yes I know that already."

"He wants you back in th-the c-c-c-cage."

"Ah he got a little too comfortable with that kind of power." These filthy demons always think they know what's best.

"H-he said you won't let what's coming happen." I raised an eyebrow, now this was interesting.

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