Been so long and now we're finally free

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"umm could you help me find my locker?"

"Sure" he says taking my books from my hand "this way" we walk in silence until we reach my locker.

"Thanks Luke, it's really nice to meet you" I say opening the locker. He puts the books in and his gazes goes to my shirt.

"You like AC/DC?" He ask pointing to my shirt.

"Yeah, they're awesome. I mean they basically introduced me to rock"

"You like rock!" He ask but it sounds more like a cheer. I giggle and nod.

"I love music. Making music, singing and playing, listening to music"

"I'm in a band. We're called-"

"Sunset Curve" I smile. He nods

"How did you?"

"Me and Alex are childhood friends"

"Alex is an awesome drummer"

"So I've heard"

"Hey you wanna come to practice tonight? I mean I would love for someone to hear us play and-"

"I would absolutely love to come Luke. I'm sure Lex is gonna drag me around" i say, grabbing his hand. He looks down and back at me, a small grin appearing on his face.

"Now we gotta get to class Jules" He says pulling me into the music room.

We're playing again, practicing songs when the storm gets louder. I shake in fear, I've never liked storms.

"Jules you okay?" Luke says stopping rehearsal. I nod, even though I have this pit of fear in my stomach.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Let's just get back to work"
We start the sing again and soon it's time for me and Luke duet part. I bring the mic to him but he holds his hand up.

"I can't do this" he says, making us all stop again.

"Luke what?" But he storms out before I get an answer. I run after him.

"LUKE WAIT" I yell. The rain pours down on us and he turns to me.

"Julie, I can't do this anymore" He says, pointing between us. My heart sinks a little.

"Do what?" I ask.

"I can't pretend we're just friends. I-I think about you all the time, I have since the first day we met. Do you think about me?"
I nod shyly. Next thing I know, he grabs me by the waist and kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and the world melts away around us. He pulls back and grabs my cheek softly. He smiles at me and I pull him down by his shirt, connecting our lips again. We both pull back and I run my finger over his lips, then over mine. My heart is beating out of my chest.

"Just friends huh?" He ask, still holding my waist.

"Shut up and kiss me" I smile. He smiles back, kissing me again.

It's all I've ever dream off and more.

"Here's my number" Luke whispers to me in class, slipping me a piece of paper "I'll text you when rehearsals are"

I walk into me and Luke's favorite restaurant. I walk in to see Luke with a girl. She grabs his shoulders and kisses his cheek. He smiles at her.
He's cheating on me?

"Wow" I spit in anger. Luke looks up, his face immediately goes to panic.

"Jules, it's not what you think" He says, jumping up and pushing the girl away. I scoff, crossing my arms and walking away. I can't believe him, we've been together for almost a year. I stand outside, wiping my tears away. My hands are shaking, I pull out my phone to call my mom.

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