Your a part of me, now till eternity

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Julie's POV:
"So what are the choices? What can I do?"

"It's kind of decided baby. You don't get a choice"

"It's my life at stake and I don't even get to choose"

"Well no ones ever done anything quite this big. You really saved all those lost souls?" She ask me and I nod. Even if I never see them again. It was the right thing to do.

"I don't decide your fate and that scares me more then anything" My mom says grabbing my hand.

"I'm-I'm scared" I shutter.

"I know baby, let's just talk. Tell me about everything okay?"


Luke's POV:
"We need to go to Mr.Molina and Carlos"

"I don't wanna tell Ray this. Luke it's gonna break his heart" Reggie says as we all stare at the house.

"I know but he needs to know" I say, taking a deep breath. I have so many memories with this family.

I walk up to the door and knock. Mr.Molina opens up the door snd smiles.

"Luke Patterson, my favorite" he says hugging me

"Hi mr.Molina. I'm here to pick up Julie for the dance"

"Oh I know, y'all will be home by"

"Midnight sir"

"Good, I trust you with my daughter" He says patting my shoulder. I nod and just that time Julie comes walking down the stairs. She looks beautiful. She sees me and her eyes light up, she picks up her dress and runs down to me. Once she reaches me, we hug each other. I can tell she's excited. She pulls back and I grab her hands.

"You look great Jules"

"You too Luke. I'm so excited, this is gonna be so fun" she cheers.

"Picture time" Mrs.Molina says holding a young Carlos' hand. I look at Julie.

"It's a new thing" she mouths to me. I nod

"GUYS PICTURES" Mrs.Molina says pulling out her phone. I smile at Julie and we go outside. Mrs.Molina has us stand infront of the door. I wrap my arms around her waist. She rest her hands on top of mine.

"Y'all are so cute, don't you think Ray?" Rose says bumping him.

"Adorable, but let's go over the rules again"

"Dad" Julie scolds him.

"I know Mr.Molina, home by midnight"

"Come bestie" Julie says in my ear. She places a sweet kiss on my cheek. We run to the car.

It was one the best nights of my life. We danced and danced. We actually ended up going home around 10 and watching a movie. But it was perfect

Julie's perfect.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
Mr.Molinas jaw drops open

"Luke your back?" He says dropping his phone. He comes up to me and gives me a giant hug. Suddenly, I feel like a little kid again.

"Mr.Molina, I have to tell you something" I say pulling back. I stare at the ground but I glance up at him. His face is full of worry.
"Julie's gone" I mutter. The moment I say it, I feel as if my heart is ripped out of my chest.

"Wha- what?" He stutters. I look up at him and my eyes meet his. I single year slips down my face, I quickly swipe it away.

"I-I can explain. I mean I think I can" I say and he nods. He lets me inside and we sit down.

Here we go I guess.

Julie's POV:
"Oh Julie, I always knew you and Luke would fall in love" mom says squeezing my shoulders.

"I think I've always been in love with him. I'll forever be in love with him"

"I can tell baby, I mean you just have that-" My mom stops and holds her head.

"Mom" I say, pulling her arms away so she can look at me. I see her start to cry.

"Mom, what's-whats wrong?" I ask. She gives me a look.

"They decided your fate"

"And?" I ask panicked. I can't lose them. I can't he stuck here.

I have to see Carlos again, he can't grow without a sister. I can't let dad be all alone. I can't leave my band or my friends. I can't abandon everybody. I can't die

"They- They are choosing to make y'all forgot each other"

"What" I ask, my eyes brimming with tears.

Forget Luke? Forget Alex and Reggie? Forget everything we've ever done.
I changed my mind, I rather die.

"You'll be sent back, I-I don't know how it work. Baby I'm so sorry" She says, cupping my cheek.

"Hey, at least I did what was right. Right?" I look at her. She nods and gives me a huge hug.

It's our final hug, well in this time anyway.

A/n: kinda a short part but I'm about to surprise y'all so I think you'll be okay.

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