"Ready to get beat?" Liam teased her. 

"Nope."  Aurora grinned and gripped her lacrosse stick. "I've been practicing with Scott."

"We'll see." Liam smiled. She nudged him and they walked onto the field. 

Aurora groaned when she saw Hayden practicing with the soccer team. 

"I just can't catch a break." Aurora mumbled.

Hayden looked over at Aurora and smirked. She then looked Liam up and down making Aurora glare.

Aurora got a ball in her lacrosse stick and took a deep breath. She ran forward and threw the ball but it completely missed the net.

She heard the boys laughing from behind her and squeezed her eyes shut to block them out.

"That's why girls shouldn't play." One of the boys laughed.

"Hey asshole. Shut the hell up." Liam growled at the team. All of their eyes widened and they stopped laughing.

Aurora smiled to herself and walked to the back of the line but not before Liam pecked her lips.

She watched as Hayden kicked a soccer ball and it went straight into the goal. The girl turned and looked at Aurora cockily.

Aurora pushed a boy out of the way and got another ball. She readied herself and then threw it. She smirked when it went straight into the goal.

Hayden kicked another ball and it went in. 

Aurora threw another ball and it went in.

Hayden kicked another one and it went in.

Aurora grunted as she threw the ball a little to hard and the person in goal got knocked to the floor.

"Shit." her eyes widened. "Sorry."

The team all ran over to make sure he was okay.

"What's up with those two?" Brett asked Mason as they sat in the bleachers watching.

"Middle School. Hayden pulled her hair so Rory punched her in the face. And this is her yearbook photo." Mason showed Brett the picture of Hayden. 

"Ah. Damn." Brett said as he looked at the photo. "What did she do back?"

"Well nothing back then, but she's always flirting with Liam." Mason told him.

"Ooo. Not good." Brett laughed. He knew that Aurora would actually rip Hayden's throat out for messing with her man.

"Yep. But Liam doesn't even acknowledge her because he's so whipped for Rory." Mason shook his head.

"Does anyone here have asthma!?" A kid asked as he ran onto the field catching everyones attention. "Anyone got an inhaler?"

"Scott." Aurora and Liam both said and took off running.

They got the inhaler and ran to the classroom that Scott was in.

"I've got it." Aurora shouted as she ran down the halls. "I've got the inhaler."

They both crouched down in front of Scott and put the inhaler in his hand.

"Scott." Liam shook his shoulder. "Scott come on."

Aurora put her hand on Scott's shoulder and leaned in more so that the other students couldn't see her.

"Scott." she growled his name and made her eyes yellow.

It seemed to make Scott snap out of it because he started gasping for air and brought his inhaler to his mouth.

"Thanks." he breathed out to Liam and Aurora. 

They both nodded and glanced at each other.


That night Aurora went to give Hayden more money. There wasn't any people there besides whoever was working.

"Aurora please stop." Hayden told her.

"I promised I'd pay you back." Aurora followed after her as she walked away.

"It doesn't matter now. And Phil takes half of it anyway." Hayden said.

"I know it's for your medication." Aurora admitted as she recalled what she had overheard. "So, please just take the money."

"No. It wasn't your fault." 

"I punched you in the face." Aurora said. 

Hayden laughed. "I meant the shots."

"Oh." Aurora chuckled nervously.

"It's for mycophenolate. It's for a kidney transplant I had a few years ago. I work here so my sister doesn't have to pay for all of it." Hayden told her. "Now could you just forget about it. I'll make it back somehow."

"Does Phil really take half?" Aurora asked as Hayden started walking again and she followed after her.

"Yeah. And never stops bragging about it. Just listen to him." Hayden chuckled. 

Aurora looked over at the man and listened in on his conversation.

"It's not like they're gonna do anything." he said. "They're all under the table and too young to be selling alcohal anyway."

Aurora frowned and looked back at Hayden.

"Hayden." Hayden looked up at her. "Can I ask you to do something else for me?"


"Close your eyes." Aurora said. Hayden looked at her weird.

"Are you kidding?" she chuckled.



"Just for two seconds. I swear I'm not gonna do anything." Aurora told her.


"All you have to do is close your eyes for three seconds."

"You said two." Hayden told her.

"Okay. Well three. Three at the most."

Hayden closed her eyes and Aurora grabbed a glowstick.

"This is stupid." Hayden said without opening her eyes.

"Just one second." Aurora snapped the glowstick to make it glow and held it up to Hayden's face. "Okay, open them."

When Hayden opened her eyes they weren't their usual brown color and instead a greenish blue color.

Hayden was a Chimera.


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