Percy is Shot with an Arrow

Start from the beginning

"W-we're fine, go back to breakfast!" I choked out through the bursts of laughter. The two of them started laughing as they walked away.

"That wasn't funny!" Percy said, his face a bright vermillion. My laughing subsided and I got up to sit next to him on the bed.

"That was hilarious, admit it." He was trying so hard not to smile. I shoved his shoulder, "Get dressed, Seaweed Brain." I said as I stood up.

"I don't get a good morning kiss?" He asked a bit dejectedly. I shook my head with a smirk.

"Not until you brush your teeth."

"Arms out, feet spread." Percy commanded.

"Excuse me?" I asked. He and I were walking to school; I'd say a few minutes away.

"I need to check you for weapons, now do it." I sighed, but did as he asked. His hands brushed against my arms and my sides. A slight blush was creeping up to my cheeks when his hand crossed the spot on my hip where my celestial bronze dagger was hidden.

"That's my dagger, and unless you want me to be totally defenseless…" He smirked.

"Ok, you're clean."

"Glad I got your seal of approval." I said dryly. We rounded the corner and got our first view of the school.

Trinity hadn't been kidding. There was a grand total of about thirty girls gathered on the green outside the school with Calypso and Victoria standing in front of them. I pulled Percy towards the front steps where he was out of sight.

"You. Stay." I ordered and took out my invisibility cap. He saluted.

"Yes ma'am." Once I was totally unseen, I planted a quick kiss on Percy's cheek (much to his shock), and walked towards the large group of girls who were likely discussing how cute Percy looked in green.

"… fake blonde. And those eyes? I mean wow, she looks like she wants to kill everyone she sees." Calypso ranted. So they were talking about me, figures.

"There's no way Percy likes her, she must be blackmailing him!"

"Or threatening him!" The girls started arguing amongst themselves. I had never seen a bigger group of completely delusional fan girls together in one place. Well there was that one time at the Justin Bieber concert in SoHo that Silena dragged me to… and the One Direction concert in Jersey that Katie had been dying to go to…

"For Percy's sake we need to break them up!" Someone yelled. I rolled my eyes. Oh please…

"Annabeth," A voice whispered. I turned to see Percy peeking out from the corner, his eyes searching for me even though he knew he wouldn't see me. I strode back to him, walked around, and tapped his shoulder. He whipped around, held out a hand and touched my shoulder. His palm felt it's way up my face to my forehead so he could take off the hat. His stance relaxed a little when I was visible.

"So, did you hear all that?" I asked with amusement. He blushed.

"Sort of…" He looked guilty.

"What a bunch of idiots." I said.

"Well, you do threaten me on multiple occasions." He pointed out with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Didn't I tell you I wasn't going to make things easy once before?" I said before stepping up and planting a kiss on his lips.

"You might have mentioned it." He muttered against my mouth. I chuckled.

"Come on, lets go make them all feel stupid," I said with excitement. He squeezed my hand and followed as we walked up to the mob of girls.

An appreciative silence fell onto the crowd when they realized Percy had arrived. Lipstick was brought out, mirrors were shared, shirts were adjusted to show a lot more cleavage than they should. Calypso and Victoria stepped forward.

"We were just talking about you," She sneered. Percy moved arm so that he was hugging my shoulders instead of just holding my hand.

"We heard." I said coldly. They ignored me.

"Percy, you can tell us the truth you know." Victoria cooed, "We only want to help." Yeah, and I was Zeus.

"Yeah, Percy," I said, he looked at me in shock, "Tell them all about my devious plot." I said sarcastically, "How I gave you a manual on how to be my boyfriend, all the death threats, locking you in my basement when I'm away, kidnapping your mother as ransom…" He started laughing at that one.

"I seriously love you, Annabeth," He said and leaned down to press his lips to my cheek. Many of the girls looked angry, some looked downright sad.

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain." I said and turned my head to kiss his lips.

"Yuck!" A familiar voice called. Something whizzed through the air and all of a sudden Percy wasn't next to me… he was hanging by his sleeve on the side of the school by a silver arrow, "You two really need to take advantage of the phrase 'get a room'!"

"Thalia!" I said and turned to see the lieutenant Hunter holding her bow, still aimed at Percy. She wore her usual clothing: dark t-shirt, dark jeans, and her silver circlet that marker her as Lieutenant. Aegis was in bracelet form on her wrist.

"Look who's awake!" She said with a smirk, "You snore, you know that?"

"I've been telling her that for years!" Percy called from where he was hanging. I rolled my eyes and hugged me friend.

"It's so good to see you again!" I said as she squeezed me back.

"I don't want to interrupt the tender moment here, but Thalia, get me down!" He yelled. Before any of the shocked fan girls could move Thalia was at Percy, pulling out the arrow. His feet hit the ground with a thud, "Nice to see you too," He muttered before hugging her too.

"Thalia!" Another voice whined, "You said you would wait for me!"

"Well, I lied." The shadows of the building seemed to bend until out popped Nico di Angelo, in the flesh.

"Nico!" Percy said and gave him one of those awkward side hugs, "What are you guys doing here?" Before they could answer, a police car with all the lights on and the sirens going pulled up to the school. We all watched in awe as Connor and Travis Stoll got out of the back, grinning like madmen, followed by Katie Gardner.

"Yo Perce!" They yelled and waved.

"Oh no," I said, "Did you guys steal a cop car?!" They shook their heads.

"Nah, we got a lift from the station. Apparently it's illegal to loot a candy store on your way to school." Travis said with a wink.

"They needed someone to bail them out," Katie explained as they walked over, "Now hug me," She commanded. I did.

"What are you all doing here?" Percy asked in shock.

"What, Annabeth didn't tell you yet?" Nico asked. I shook my head.

"Not yet,"

"Tell me what?" He asked, still confused.

"That I wasn't the only one who transferred," I explained, "We all did." The smile that crept across his face was bigger and brighter than Olympus itself.

"Blahaahaa, you found them!" Grover bleated as he and Juniper walked up.

"Yeah! Camp reunion!" Connor yelled.

"Hey wait!" Calypso yelled, "Who are all these people?" We ignored her and walked up the steps into the building.

"Where are the rest of them?" I whispered to Thalia as we walked in.

"They'll be here."

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