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Fluffy angst ahead, get ready. It's cute mostly, I promise

Anyways, art's mine again, don't steal. >:( It doesn't have anything to do with the story


Janus watched from afar, rubbing his scaly cheek. Virgil stood a little farther behind, worriedly looking at the deceitful side.

"Are you going to tell them that he's not one of them?"

Janus hummed. "No, if Remus truly is a dark side, he'll come on his own. Besides, would you really separate those twins? Look at them, they're so happy!"

"Do I sense jealousy?" Virgil asked.

Janus turned to look at Virgil. "Of course I'm jealous! Why wouldn't I be? A dark side gets to hang out with the light sides, and eat their food, and enjoy their family, and be actually listened to by Thomas. It's a dream come true. And a dream we'll never get to see."

Virgil sighed. "Come on. Let's go back."

Janus huddled into his cape as they walked back, the chill of the dark side of the mindscape seeping into his bones. He smiled as Virgil wrapped an arm around him, letting their warmth combine.


"Yes, Janus?"

"Promise you'll never leave me."

"I promise. Besides, a cold-blooded snake like you would die without me, and we couldn't let that happen, now could we?"

Janus smiled and leaned his head on Virgil's shoulder. For being the embodiment of self-care, Janus required a lot from Virgil. It was rough in the dark sides, but Janus trusted that Virgil would take care of him.

.. ._.. ___ .._ . _.__ ___ .._

A knock woke up Janus. He pulled open the door to see Remus at his doorstep in tears. Janus had watched the creative side from the dark side of the mindscape, but he had never directly talked to Remus since the creative side had awoken in the dark sides.

"Remus? Remus, what are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Ro- R-ro-" Remus spluttered. Janus sighed.

"How about you come into the living room? Do you want some hot chocolate?"

Remus nodded, trembling. Janus wrapped an arm around Remus' shoulders and guided him to the living room. The couch was messy from half-empty chip bags and soda bottles, and the cushions sank into themselves, but Remus didn't seem to mind.

Virgil emerged from the shadows. "What the hell is he doing here?" he grumbled.

"Virgil, it's alright." Virgil softened as he saw Remus trying to hide his tears. "Can you go make us some hot chocolate Virgil?"

Virgil sighed and walked to the kitchen, opening the pantry. "There are only three packages left. You're going to have to rob the light sides again."

Janus sighed and shrugged. "Whatever." He focused his attention back on Remus. "Take some deep breaths, okay. When you're ready, tell me everything that happened."

Remus nodded and curled into Janus. Janus smiled, running his fingers through Remus's hair. Virgil sat on the other side of Remus, setting three steaming cups of hot chocolate. Remus tried to pick it up, but his hands were trembling too bad. Janus held it for him, letting Remus take small sips.

"Deep breaths, remember? I'm right here."

"Th- thank you," Remus said. Janus smiled.

"Anytime, Remus. Anytime."

Late NightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon