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Yuki entered her management's building at eight in the morning with warm coffee in her hand. She was dressed in a casual lavender pantsuit, highlighting her slim figure. She was called in today because she was told to be meeting her personal bodyguard, who will also manage her schedule as her manager.

It wasn't a surprise as her recent drama did really well. Yuki had garnered more spotlight from the veteran producers after the success of her debut drama, which she played as the supporting role with the main lead, Lee Seungi. Yuki has then became pretty well known in the entertainment industry as a promising actress.

She was excited to meet the person she would spend most of her time with. She secretly hoped they looked good and had a good personality. She also hasn't had a chance to experience anything romantic in forever. Her work has kept her so busy, she barely had the time for herself.

She walked into the conference room and was greeted by the CEO of her management, who was leaning against the table.

"Good morning, Yuki!" He greeted her cheerfully and put out his hand for a handshake.

"Good morning, Sajangnim!" She replied with the same tone and shook his hand. He walked around and guided her to her chair, pulling it back until she sat comfortably before walking over to his.

"Please, you know I hate it when you call me that. Call me Mr. Yong." He rolled his eyes at her formality. She stuck her tongue out at him and both of them laughed. "How have you been, Yuki?" He asked her in a friendly manner.

"As good as I can be right now." She replied with a smile playing on her lips. He laughed at her response.

"Good good. I'm glad that you've been doing good. Of course, you know that if you need anything, you can approach me right? You are after all one of my most promising rookies!" He exclaimed in a humourous manner. Yuki felt warmth risen up her cheeks and ears. She'd never really known how to take compliments.

"Ah! Nothing like that, Mr. Yong. I'm just trying my hardest, but yes, I will definitely come to you if I require anything." He nodded in approval before grabbing the file next to him. He flipped through the pages with a serious expression, inciting curiousity from Yuki.

She tried to subtly lean over and peek into the file. Before she could make out a word, Mr. Yong looked up from the file and at her, causing her to nearly lose her balance and face-plant into the table. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she looked back up at him sheepishly. He smiled at her.

She was one of the first rookies he took in after he started this company. She had relentless determination to finish each project she was assigned to. She constantly made sure she delivered and played her characters well, and even pushed herself to take on diverse roles along with veteran actors. He'd always admired her for her work ethic and professionalism. 

However, even all that never took away her childishness. It never came out all the time, but the moments it did, he caught glimpses of the real Yuki. He saw her like his own daughter, and genuinely only hoped the best for her. She seemed to have known the affection too. She hasn't been as open to anybody but him. She left home as soon as she was done with high school and took shelter under Mr. Yong's wings. She hasn't been let down since.

"What's in the file?" She asked curiously.

"Oh! It files information about your new manager and bodyguard." He smiled and then continued to rifle through the file.

She could barely contain her excitement and curiosity. She wanted to bounce in her seat but instead kept shifting balance between both legs.

"What's their name?" She asked.

"Uhh, Jeon- Wait I forgot, let me just go back-" He turned back to the first page, "-ah right! Jeon Jungkook!" He exclaimed as if he'd just thought up a brilliant idea.

Wait a minute.

It couldn't be him, right?

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