11. My promise

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So sorry guys... Let's have a look on our story after a long gap 😅😅...

Purab: Not just a bad incident, its a worst incident happened in our life...

Neil: Means???

                 Priya starts to say inbetween her sobs,

Priya: When she was 8 years old, me, purab and Pragya went out for a theme park. Our day wasn't good that day, someone kidnapped Pragya....

Purab: Actually it was me who should be kidnapped, Pragya di tried to save me. But she herself got kidnapped. Later we found that they were professional kidnappers when they asked for ransom money to leave Pragya di, they threatened dad not to involve cops in this or else we can't see Pragya di alive.

                 Everyone became sad hearing purab's statement, Khannas were seeing priya and purab who were in standing there with tears and narrating the most haunting memory of their life. Raghav pats purab's shoulder to give him comfort.

Priya: After giving them the ransom amount, they handovered her to us. But she was not the same Pragya after that incident. We found her fear for dogs within a day when we got her back, not only this she gets nightmares every night. She won't sleep peacefully, she will cry and becomes afraid whenever she gets to meet new people, we were almost going to loss our daughter. Then we decided to meet a psychiatrist.

Purab: Then we found out that the kidnappers used dangerous dogs to scare the kids whom they kidnapped, they used to kill some kids using those dogs whose parents took the help of Cops. They will throw those kids as a prey to their dog....

               Everyone closed their eyes in agony, how can someone be this much cruel only for money? How would have those kids felt when they were bitten by those sharp teeth of dogs? These were the questions ringing in their mind.

Ragini: Poor child... She gone through a lot, now because of us she is in this condition.

Purab: She is brave, aunty. She will overcome this too, I know...

                 Purab says with teary eyed, they paused there talks when they noticed Ram and Abhi coming towards them. Jhanvi and Raghav stood beside Abhi whereas ram consoled his wife and son saying soothing words. Suddenly all heard loud scream inside Pragya's room, all panicked more just then a nurse rushed out from the room.

Priya: What happened nurse?

Nurse: Please wait mam, I need to call doctor.

              Without waiting for a minute more she rushed towards doctor's cabin. All of them heard continuous scream which made them restless, Abhi can't take this anymore so he decided to go inside and check. Before he could move nurse reached there with doctor and both of them went inside leaving Pragya's worried family outside. After a couple of minutes, nurse came out and asked,

Nurse: Can anyone of her family member come inside? She is scared of everyone, we couldn't control her.

Priya: Ram you go inside. She will listen to you only....

                She broke down into loud sobs hearing her daughter's continuous screams which shows her that how much Pragya is scared and how much that past incident affected her... Immediately ram rushed inside with nurse whereas outside the room everyone is praying for Pragya's well being and Abhi is fighting with his threatening tears with much difficulty.

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