10. Phobia - The fear

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Hello guys, thanks for your valuable comments and votes🤗🤗... So let's have a look on our story 🤗🤗

In party hall,

                     Purab, Ram and Neil who came to the party hall after finishing their talks, noticed the ladies were happily chatting with  eachother. They thought to join with them.

Neil: What made you all to laugh like this, ladies? And did anyone saw Raghav?

Bulbul: Nothing uncle just some ladies talks and Raghav bhaiya is talking with some of your business partner. There he is (points her finger to the direction where he is talking)

                Neil turned and looked at Raghav who is talking with some of his guests. Purab just then noticed that his sister is missing in this gang.

Purab: Mom, Pragya di kahan hain?

Jhanvi: Oh my god Purab, let her enjoy the party. Be calm and her dress got spoiled, that's why she went to clean her dress. Now happy??

Purab: When she went?

Bulbul: Maybe half an hour before.

Jhanvi: Maybe she found Sheero and she must be playing with him.

                    Aroras looked at each other in panic and starts to worry more.

Priya: Sheero???

Purab: Ms. Jhanvi, Don't say me it's a dog...

Ragini: It is... Why? Any problem?

                   That's it, Aroras freaked out after hearing the answer.

Purab: Shit.... Shit.... Shit...m where she went?

             Frustrated and worried purab asked furiously, bulbul just pointed the direction of jhanvi's room. Without giving time to think for anyone, purab rushed to the direction and Priya followed him.

Neil: What happened Ram? Anything serious?

Ram: Pragya has Cynophobia... Hope she is fine😰😰

              Now ram too runs behind Purab while leaving horrified Khanna's behind. Jhanvi is the most worried person among all, because her one day old pet is going to be a villain in Abhi's love life. The rest of the members too followed them.

In jhanvi's room,

                   Sheero's continuous barks made Pragya's condition even more worse. Abhi felt her grip on his hand is tighter than before and he can also sense the chillness in her grip. Her body started to sweat badly, breathing becomes harder and she started to shiver in fear. Abhi tried to calm her but nothing gave him good results.

Abhi: Pragya, look at me... (Pats her cheek to gain her attention) Pragya... See he will not do anything... Pragya...

                 But she is not in the condition to respond him, her heart wants to answer him but her body didn't allow since her mind is filled with the image of dog and it is engulfed in fear. Suddenly she felt her vision become blur, she is losing her consciousness slowly.

Abhi: Sheero stop... Move aside...

               Just then Purab arrived to save his sister, he noticed Pragya's state and without waiting for a second he picked up the dog and locked it in another room. Abhi felt her grip on his hand is loosened, he turns towards Pragya and noticed she became unconscious. Before she could reach the floor Abhi holds her securely.  Ram and Priya rushed towards her and starts to pat her cheeks, Purab came there and saw Pragya in unconscious state.

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