Chapter 13 - Aelin

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I jumped at the chance to train. Mor went to change, and we were all stood by the door waiting for her.

"Hey Cassian." I turned to where he was talking with Azriel.

"Yes?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I want to spar with you." I gave him a sly grin.

"Are you sure?" I knew he was teasing me.

"Why, are you afraid I will beat you?" two could play at this game.

"Aelin, don't bate him." Dorian cut in.

"Why not, it's so fun." I pouted.

He opened his mouth to snap something back, but someone knocked on the door, sounding very impatient.

"Aelin, Dorian, in the dining room now." Rhys commanded.

Normally I would have stood my ground, but I could tell he knew who it was, and he couldn't have us revealed.

We just got through the door when a new voice filled the house.

"Where is your wife Rhysand?"

"It's good to see you too Beron." Rhys replied smoothly.

"Where is your wife?" he demanded again.

"She's not here, why do you want to see her?" I could tell that Rhys was irritated with the interruption.

"Then why did I feel a massive eruption of fire here, she's the only one on your court who could have done it, I must say Rhysand, she is getting too powerful."

"I'm afraid it wasn't Feyre who created this disturbance Beron."

"Then who the hell did?" he snapped.

I was fed up with this, "I did." I walked out of the dining room.

"Who the hell are you?" the male who must be Beron demanded.

"Aelin Ashvyer Whitehorn Galathynius." I gave him a mock bow.

I was about to rise again but siring pain wrecked my body and I fell to my knees with a roar.

"Aelin!" I looked up to see Dorian crouched in front of me.

"what happened, why do I feel so sluggish?" I looked at the people around me.

"You're human!" Beron yelled at me.

I reached up and felt my ears, they were curved.

"That's impossible, I gave up my human form." I was mostly talking to Dorian.

"Can you shift back?" Dorian was looking a little scared.

I felt for the vail and punched through it. with another roar I was back in my Fae body.

"I forgot how much that hurts." I gave Dorian a small smile.

"How the hell are you human?" I'd forgotten Beron was here.

"I have two forms, my human and my fae." I replied, enjoying being back in my fae body, I had forgotten how sluggish I was as a human. I stood back up.

"Aelin, can you use your magic as a human?" Dorian questioned.

"I'm not shifting back," I crossed my arms, "I'll try lighting candles later."

He nodded at me.

"How are you so powerful?" Beron snapped at me.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back.

He looked furious "I'm a High Lord, how dare you speak to me like this."

"I'm a queen, we're evenly matched" I smirked.

"Oh yeah, where are you a queen of?" he mocked.

"Terresen, it's in another world so I doubt you've heard of it, I'm also known as Faerie Queen of the West and I'm a Princess of Doranelle, the most powerful Fae Kingdom in my world." I thought I would play up my might.

"You do love to boast Aelin." Dorian quipped.

"Oh, and you don't your kingliness, you rule both Adarlan and the Witch Kingdom with Manon. I was just giving the High Lord my titles."

"How are you so powerful?" Beron asked again.

"I'm Mala's heir" I said with a shrug.

I looked around the people assembled and saw Amren point at me. I was about to ask her what she was doing but then I felt it. my well grew, getting deeper and deeper until it was back at its full might, I had all of my power back that I lost when forging the lock and I felt it bursting for an escape.

"Aelin, what's happening?" Dorian had taken my shoulders and I realised I had been staring down at my hands in shock.

"Shit, Dorian, my powers are back, everything I lost when forging the lock." I clenched my teeth, determined not to explode.

"Aelin, focus, you can hold it in a little longer, I know you can." He took my hands, and a thin layer of ice coated my entire body up to my neck. "We need to get her far away from people before she explodes." He didn't take his eyes off me, focusing on keeping me cool.

The ice on my body quickly turned to steam and I knew I couldn't keep it contained anymore.

"It's ok Aelin, I've shielded this entire room, you can let it out." Rhysand pulled Dorian away from me and I looked round to see them all stood in a line pressed against the wall. I fell to my knees, letting my power explode from me. 

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