Chapter 5 - Feyre

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I emerged from the bathing room, now in one of my favourite dresses, I kept pulling on the bond while I was dressing but Rhys wasn't answering me. I was beginning to get worried; I had no idea what was happening. Rowan appeared not long after, now fully clothed.

"Follow me, you need to meet the rest of Aelin's court."

He took me down lots of long corridors before we arrived at a dining room. There were five people sat inside, all talking amongst themselves, they fell silent when I walked in.

"Where is Aelin?" A male with dark hair snapped at Rowan.

"I don't know, I woke up with Feyre in her place this morning."

A whip of darkness lashed out at me. I shielded and it harmlessly bounced off.

"What have you done to my queen?" He snarled at me, moving to attack me again.

"Lorcan, enough!" Rowan snapped.

The male just let out another snarl and darkness surrounded me; little did he know I quite liked darkness.

The darkness kept attacking me, but it didn't faze me, I had shrunk my shield to act as a second skin, I knew he thought he was winning. While in the darkness I grew wings, shifting myself into my Illyrian leathers while using the darkness as a curtain.

When the darkness cleared, I slightly spreading my wings, baring my teeth at him.

"What the hell! My darkness can't shift people."

"Your darkness did nothing to me, I did this to myself, you will find that I am quite used to darkness."

My wings and leathers disappeared into a whisp of shadow, and they were replaced by the dress I was previously wearing.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving." Rowan's comment saved me from having to explain my powers, thinking of Rhys hurt.

"Feyre meet Lorcan, Elide, Lysandra, Aedion and Fenrys, Aelin's court."

I smiled at them but only the two women and Fenrys smiled back.

"Rowan, where is she?" Aedion didn't even glance at me.

"I don't know Aedion, I keep pulling on the bond, but I haven't received a reply yet."

"Well, it's nice to know that it isn't just me and my mate that can do that and no Elide, I am not going to kill your husband for attacking me."

That got everyone's attention. Elide had gone a rather dark shade of red.

"How did you know that is what I was thinking."

I reached out to everyone's minds, none of them had shields.

'I have the ability to walk into people's minds. Elide, you are human, you actively broadcast your thoughts for me to hear, I normally block inner thoughts out, but I have kept a slither of my shield open for my mates reply, I'll close it now, you don't have to worry about me reading your thoughts again.'

When I pulled back, they all looked a little shocked.

"Sorry, that was the easiest way of telling you what I can do, if you want, I will train you all to have mental shields, so you are protected from people like me."

"As you are most likely going to be here for a while training with you to protect our minds might be a good idea." It was Rowan who spoke.

"You said you were used to darkness, why?" it was Fenrys that spoke this time.

"I am High Lady of the Night Court, my mate's power is darkness, one of my powers is darkness, and I love flying over my city at night, it is so beautiful."

They all stared at me.

"What can you all do?" I needed to know.

"My powers are ice and wind." I nodded at Rowan.

"I'm a shape shifter" Lysandra's eyes lit up as she said it.

"I'm part witch." Elide's voice wavered a little, like what I had just done scared her.

"you already know my power." Lorcan looked more pissed than when I first walked in, if that was even possible.

"I can jump from one place to another." Fenrys shrugged. I guess winnowing is a power on its own here.

"What about you, we know about the darkness, mind walking and I'm assuming the wings are shape shifting, do you just have raw power?" Rowan was looking extremely complaintive.

"I'm afraid my powers require a little bit of history about my home."

"Aelin might have swapped places with you, the more I know about your home the better."

I nodded and told them about Prythian.

"My home is Prythian, it is divided into seven courts, four seasonal and three solar. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Day, Dawn and Night. Each court is ruled by a High Lord. In my world humans and fae don't all live together, humans live below the wall, the fae live above it and the humans are ruled by queens. I was born human in a village near the wall. I was taken from my home and brought over the wall three years ago now. Something happened while I was there, and I died. All seven High Lords were then when it happened. They each gave me a spark of magic and they made me fae. I bare the powers of all the courts."

"So, what can you do?" Rowan interrupted.

"Spring's power is shape shifting. Summer's power is water. Autumns' power is fire. Winter's power is ice. Day's power is light and wind. Dawn's power is healing, and Night's power is darkness and the mind walking ability. Jumping from one place to another is called winnowing and all seven courts can do it, as long as they are powerful enough. I can also glamour myself, but I don't really ever use that power."

"You said you were High Lady, what does that mean?" Lysandra had a mischievous glint in her eye as she spoke but I answered anyway.

"I am like a queen to my people, I help my mate help our citizens, we have a beautiful city full of people that we love, we help them however we can. High Lords are beings of extreme power, their people expect us to protect them, and we do. I am the only High Lady, women are mostly treated as possessions, Rhys, my mate, didn't agree with it and made me his equal in every way."


I think Rowan meant to say that in his head.

"If I swapped places with Aelin I promise she will be cared for, my family are not like most, they have all been through hardships and love each other fiercely, she will be safe there, besides our second and third are both women, she won't be alone."

"Thank you."

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